Miles -what it means


Hand of GOD
"Hand of GOD"                                                                                                                                                  

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

December 30, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. It Was a (Very Good) Year

The song was popular and recorded by numerous artists after it first was composed in 1965 by Bob Shane of the Kingston Trio. It was a melancholy song, highlighting life events at age 17, 21, 35 and in the twilight of life.
For many people, remembering the events of the past year, or further back brings back a flood of emotions, triumphs and tragedies, what-ifs and coulda-wouldas, joys and tears. But for most of us 2020 was not a year we think of as a very good one, but personally it was a very good one. Karen and I bought a house we can envision being our first real "home"; we spent a seventh season at a ministry we have embraced and we "survived" injuries, sickness and a pandemic which altered life as we have always known it.
Right now, although I am facing shoulder surgery, I am recovering from a leg injury caused by trying to save my first pickup truck from being injured, and I feel extremely fortunate to not have been injured more seriously or even killed. My whole outlook on life, what is really important, and what my purpose in this life is, has been altered by the events of 2020 and the 75 years God has allowed me so far. It's interesting that Bob Shane didn't experience 2020 as so many of us did. He died on January 26, 2020, five days short of his 86th birthday. He was the last surviving member of the Kingston Trio whose other members, Dave Guard and Nick Reynolds passed away in 1991 and 2008 (aged 56 and 75 respectively).
Remembering those times in our culture and being of the generation which listened to the pop, folk, and rock music and was impacted by it, I remember it fondly. I look at our current situation with caution and concern, but pray that we are truly going to see God orchestrating a future of hope, promise, contentment and joy, if we abide in Him, are led by the Holy Spirit to noble pursuits and expectantly awaiting the return of our Messiah in triumph and glory. Happy and Blessed New Year and Thank You Lord for what was, what is and what is yet to come.

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Sunday, December 27, 2020

December 27, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Fifteen Minutes of Fame

It used to be that to a "celebrity" you had to do something noteworthy and stay in the public eye for a significant period of time. When Andy Warhol supposedly coined the phrase about fleeting fame in 1968, we all seemed to try our best to have our own 15 minutes before we faded into total oblivion.
It's amazing what people have done to achieve notoriety and get that 15 minutes and more. Fame and wealth were always reserved for those with long careers or epic accomplishment. We think of people like Cornelius Vanderbilt, George Washington, John D. Rockefeller, Abraham Lincoln, Elvis, JFK,MLK, FDR, Jesus, William Shakespeare, Joseph Stalin, Plato, Babe Ruth...... and so many more whose names and accomplishments survive to this day and will on into the future.
And then we think of the umpteen millions of one-hit wonders, those who came and went in an instant, with names we don't remember because we never knew it in the first place. They are the pet rocks, hula hoops, chia pets, "agony of defeat" on Wide World of Sport", extras in the movies, athletes who made it to "the show" for one game, and even the mask makers of the current Covid crisis who will take their fifteen minutes and a lot of money to the bank. Some will retire on their 15 minutes while others will keep at it until we get tired of hearing the "where's the beef" slogans they initiated.
Whatever we do, we hope to have an impact on the people around us, but sometimes we are doomed to just being a face in the crowd. I guess the moral of the story: some are born to greatness, some to anonymity and some to 15 minutes of fame. Whatever you and I are called to do, do it to the best of out ability, and if we don't make the evening news, we can at least take a selfie and post it on social media, and maybe, just maybe, it will go viral and we will be able to handle the onslaught which follows. Best wishes to all as we say goodbye to MMXX in a few days.

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Thursday, December 24, 2020

December 24, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. The Big And The Small Of It

The year is almost over. 2020, a year which had so many big plans and held so much promise, turned into a year dominated by a small virus which made a big difference in the life of almost everyone on the planet. Whatever we may think about its origin, its handling by our medical, political and economic pundits, it changed the course of our lives and life as we now live it. The panic, the paranoia, the way we interact with others and the way we process the "facts" are unprecedented.
We have faced big calamities many times; violent weather, wildfires, assassinations, business failures, earthquakes, Y2K, terrorist attacks......and personal health issues, injuries, loss of loved ones, and we have always come through them with a resolve to be stronger and more united. But this year has been different: There were more agendas than usual, more radical theories and conspiracies, more people marching, picketing and protesting, more stress on our medical resources, more finger-pointing, longer food lines, product shortages, and a shrinking back from unity to division.
I don't have a crystal ball, but I am resigned to letting God be my "Leader". I may take the vaccine, or not; I may have my rotator cuff operated on, or not; I have a lot of decisions to make, and big or small, I am trusting God to lead Karen and me where He wants us to be and what He wants us to do. All the so-called-experts should do the same. They seem more concerned with appeasing the various "interests" in our population and pursuing personal fame rather than pleasing the "audience of ONE" who put us here for our good (the small) and His Glory (The Big). We've lost sight of the Big picture and our future in deference to achieving immediate small rewards and fleeting happiness.

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Monday, December 21, 2020

December 21, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. sNOw More

It was quite a storm for our area. Just like when it rains, the amounts vary because of the varied altitude in the "mountains" and a lot of other factors which the meteorologists have fancy lingo to describe. While we had four to six inches at the cabin, areas close to us had more or less, and for a few days it was tricky to be on the roads. For me and my accident, which was non-weather-related, it was a time to sweep a path to the cars and the shed (we don't have a snow shovel) and begin the process of RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and after three days stop the ice and move on to the heating pad.
And just in time for the heating pad, the weather turned warmer and by yesterday, a week after the storm, the snow was completely gone and on the Winter Solstice today, we were enjoying spring-like weather and more of the same to come. It should be a non-white Christmas, which is the norm for this area. A quick check of the snow history here is "skiffy" at best. And the snow we had already, may be all we get for the whole winter. It was beautiful while it lasted. We can always use the moisture in whatever form. Also, enjoy the Christmas Star. I think we only got to see part of it tonight. We'll try again tomorrow. For all the beauty and all Your Creation.........Thank You, Lord.

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Friday, December 18, 2020

December 18, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Time Out

I felt pretty good about my December 12th blog post, the snow storm and ministry anniversary on the 15th, but on the 16th things came "crashing" down. I won't write the specifics other than to say "stupid struck again". I am nursing a bruised leg, a scrape on the top of my head and very fortunate to not be more seriously hurt. My pick up is nursing a bruised front end, which renders it undriveable at the moment, but I think it will be repairable and back on the road.
We have a lot of irons in the fire, and for the moment, I am resisting the urge to be the "squeaky wheel" and get these projects completed while I am without wheels. I think it might be more advantageous to let things happen in the proper time and order with God directing them. The truck repair, rotator cuff surgery, the newly-required echocardiogram, cabin standby generator installation, electrical work, plumbing remodel, repair of our damaged La-Z Boy loveseat will have to wait their place. I have talked to the people doing the work, and it's time for me to be pleasant, patient and kind (according to the December 17Th Streams in the Desert devotional) and let God handle ALL the details. Time out......for now.......and......Yes, Lord............Yes.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December 15, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Seven Years and Counting

It was seven years ago today that Karen and I set out from Colorado on our Ministry of Miles "adventure": and the adventure continues. We left Fort Collins in sub-freezing weather on icy and snow-packed roads and during those first three weeks we endured a lot of weather which tested us as rookie RV'ers : and that testing also continues.
This week we encountered our first more-than-skiff of snow in our whole time in Arkansas, Georgia and Deep east Texas. when we had between four and six inches at the cabin (see yesterday's picture blog). Our blogs over the past seven years recount some of the unusual things we have encountered, but in everything, these years have been an absolute blessing with a capital B. Would we do it again? Without a doubt. God has been our constant companion, protector and provider. We have been surrounded by good friends, supportive family, and more "angels"than we can count.
The cabin God blessed us with has opened new challenges for us and elicited new talents and abilities we never realized we had within us. The blessings keep coming and we are so grateful for this new chapter in our life and looking forward to what God has in His plan and will for us. Trusting Him and resting in Him for EVERYTHING.

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Saturday, December 12, 2020

December 12, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Worn Out in The Master’s Service

Since I came to The Lord June27, 1999, I have spent time with Him every morning before I get into my daily routine. Part of the quiet time is reading Streams in the Desert. The December 12 devotional is one of my favorites and the italicized portions of it became a key component of my attitude toward serving Him and the focus I wanted to have in whatever job I undertook or ministry I became part of.
Please, take a few moments to read the SITD devotional for today. If you don't have a copy, look it up on the internet, read it: and I pray that it will impact you as much as it has impacted me for the many years I have read it. There was a time when I carried a copy of it taped to the inside of my legal pad binder and when a I opened the binder, I read the devotional on almost a daily basis. Although I don't read it daily, as I once did, I pray that I "live" it daily in how I serve Him. How beautifully the devotional is written, how powerful it has been for me. Please read it......I can't say it any better than it is written there.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

December 9, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. It’s Just Not The Same

Our country has gone through some trying times in its 244 year history, facing wars, economic recessions, inflation, product shortages, terrorism, high crime rates, racial unrest, political corruption, scams, segregation, and so many other threats to our health and welfare, our freedom to enjoy what our Constitution guaranteed to us, our basic way of life.
But the current situation(s) we face are without precedent. Our whole schedule has been thrown into mass confusion, with too many people in charge of deciding what is "right" or "best" for us, and each one of them showing little compassion or care for those who disagree with them. It's more than politics, or religion or any one factor. It is every aspect of our life which has been impacted. To see people hiding behind masks, trying to stay 6 feet from each other, not being able to pay cash for purchases at WalMart (where the self check-out machines are two feet apart), to see the priorities so skewed for who gets to be the first to get a vaccine which may turn out to be worse than the disease itself. It's just not the same world anymore, and it's sad how much has changed in such a short time.
People are back to hoarding toilet paper and our health care workers are being stretched to the breaking point again as the virus is more rampant than ever because we all still want to do our own thing, and everyone else be "damned". I'm afraid we may have gone too far in trying the patience of The One Who has the solution in His control. It's just not the same........and that makes me sad. I pray that we each look in the mirror at ourself........put our own priorities in order......and humbly ask God to give us His peace, to give "it" all to Him and trust Him for THE solution. LET GO.....AND LET GOD.

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Sunday, December 6, 2020

December 6, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Bye, Bye, Saturn

For six plus years, Karen and a I had a red 2008 Saturn Vue drafting behind us as we travelled from place to place in our motor home. When not behind us, it provided reliable transportation and a means for Karen to travel back to Colorado for her medical appointments. As we settled into Arkansas and added miles to the original 88,000 when we bought the Vue, we began to experience repair issues, which seemed harder and harder to resolve.
Most recently it was the steering pump which was baffling multiple mechanics. After about two weeks without the car, it was time to take action. And that being said, what we did Friday, trading the Saturn for a 2003 Infiniti QX4, with less than 100,000 miles, all the bells and whistles we could ever want, and a car which was christened with a trip to the VA and back yesterday, is now the newest member of the family. As always, it was a quick decision, the only car Karen drove, and in short order, it was a done deal. Hopefully, the Saturn can be repaired and find a good home. It served us well. Thank You, Lord for putting all the details in place, providing the resources to close the deal and moving on to the next adventure. All Praise to YOU.

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Thursday, December 3, 2020

December 3, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. 75

Today is my birthday, and thanks to our friend Isy, all her Facebook "friends" knew about it early in the day. Since Karen and I don't do Facebook, Isy sent out a message with a nice statement and a few pictures of me in a Passion Play "garb" There were many replies and she sent me periodic updates on who was sending me birthday wishes. This evening she will send out a blanket "thank you" to convey my appreciation for their well-wishes.
This was a milestone as far as birthdays go: #75. You see, I have a unique birthdate: December 3, 1945 or, as I sometimes tell people who ask, 12345. Pretty cool, and easy to remember unless you confuse it with the other 12345, January 23, 1945. I had a school friend years ago who gave me a card every January 23d saying he was either a month and a half late, or 10 months early, but he did remember the 12345.
I never expected to reach 75, but years ago, I think it was when I had just turned 60, I asked for the Senior Discount at a Chinese restaurant in Loveland, Colorado and when they asked me how old I was, they said I would have to wait until I was 75 to get the discount. Well, today I qualified, but unfortunately the restaurant is no longer in business. I have finally qualified to play softball for the Kids and Cubs in St. Petersburg, Florida. All players in the league are 75 or above. I'll see how a I feel after the rotator cuff repair.........but I'm not so sure I want to live in Florida. We've kind of gotten comfortable in our cabin in the woods. As the sign says..............

Monday, November 30, 2020

November 30, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. A World Turned Upside Down

Does anything happening these days make any sense at all? We are being bombarded by all kinds of claims, counterclaims, accusations made and denied, promises made and promises rescinded, facts and fiction. It is too much to absorb. The Native Americans have succeeded is having the Redskins become the Football Team and Black Friday (which is now a month long Friday) has not been objected to by the Blacks, blacks, or African Americans.
Then there is Small Business Saturday, Buy Nothing Day, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday (donations to charity), and the Covid vaccine which was not supposed to be ready until next year which is ready any day now, but doesn't have the low temperature delivery system in place to get it to anyplace but the large cities where most of the winning Presidential candidate's supporters live.
And what about President Trump having almost two months to "executive order" all kinds of things which President-elect Biden will "executive order" away on the first day he becomes President Biden. On the second day he plans to undo everything that was done in the past four years. Sounds like one step forward and two steps back or "it's my ball so I'll make the rules". There seem to be more people needing food and charities are being swamped with requests but face a lack of supplies and money. Yet the Christmas sales numbers are thru the roof and the Dow Jones has never been higher.
I am totally baffled by what I hear on the mainstream news and how it comes through the vetting process of Christian talk radio. Are they even talking about the same thing? Our world is topsy turvy and we are not even a month into the transition period; and who are these people who are being named to be our national leaders. I wonder if there are going to be any "white males" other than Joe, in positions of leadership. And is John Kerry really back in the news along with the First Cat? Are Oprah, Michelle and Hillary far behind?
Much more to follow......I can hardly wait.

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Friday, November 27, 2020

November 27, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. New Tricks

I wrote a while back about how it was always hard for me, as I got older, to try to learn a new skill or tackle a problem when I had no past experience with that problem. For some reason, I have a different attitude now. I look forward to trying to find a way to resolve the issue without looking for help. I'm finding that there are many helps for the DIY'er on Google, You Tube or a number of other internet resources. In many cases the cure is not all that difficult and with a hardware store within two miles, there are resources at my disposal once a I know what I actually need.
That doesn't mean I am ready to tackle vehicle repairs or put a new roof on the cabin or try to tackle the plumbing or electrical issues which we have, but there are tasks which I can undertake and there is a degree of satisfaction, even fun, in "fixing it myself". I have come a long way over the past seven years with the RV, the past six months in the cabin, working with Marvin, Hugh and Brian in Georgia, coworkers like James, Jerry, Joe and Kent and a host of other volunteers at the Passion Play who have taught me skills and the confidence to use them.
New tricks for a getting-older dog. That's what it has become and I have overcome some of the fear which for years kept me from trying to do anything more than look in the phone book for a "professional" to fix the problem. We do have a list of such people, and we are thankful for them. But, a lot of things are not "rocket science" and part of getting along is to understand when something is a "mountain" and when it is a "mole hole" and acting accordingly. Thank You,Lord, for helping me navigate the difference and being with me when I do put my toes into the "Jordan".

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

November 24, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Ready, Get Set........

Things are falling into place for my shoulder to be repaired. When I hurt my shoulder last year, I did not want to undergo surgery and the rehab program, so I went through some physical therapy and endured the pain and several "reinjuries". But now I am of the mind, to get in shape to have it repaired.
With my "diet of the past three months, my bloodwork looked better. I met the VA Orthopedic Doctor, had xrays, got my Flu Shot, will have a new MRI, see the surgeon and visit my Primary Care Doctor by phone and all should be completed by December 10. If all thumbs are up, I hope to have a surgery date set and with my exercise program at the local fitness center going well, I should be ready for rehab and return to "feeling strong, Don Pardo".
It's good to look ahead, although not too far ahead, because there are no guarantees of what even the next minute will bring our way. I think of the Parable of the Rich Fool related in Chapter 12 of Luke's Gospel and God's response to the big barn plans of the farmer, or the plans of the man in James, chapter 4, to go somewhere and do some business of his own choosing. God reigned them both in, telling them to be in the will of God when we look to the future. In everything, get ready, get set.......but let the GO, and the timing of it, be GOD's decision. Wait, patiently wait; trust, hopefully trust; rest, peacefully rest. LORD.......YOUR WILL BE DONE.

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Saturday, November 21, 2020

November 21, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. For a Donation of Only.........

Stop !! I don't want to hear any more. It's that time of the year when everyone is on the prowl for funds to end the year on a "high note" and needing funds to expand operations for the coming year when new projects are on the table and more people must be reached. Matching funds are set to run out "in a few days" and we are being stroked about how important we are to the success of THEIR organization or ministry effort.
I've always been a proponent of giving to organizations which help with medical, poverty, disaster or humanitarian issues and will not hound me to give more or more often. I do not want to get "thank you" calls or "cold" calls for Eugenia or from people who can't pronounce my name and won't stop talking when I say NO. I can't listen to Christian Radio because everyone is selling a new book, promoting a new DVD or a new bible study system " for a donation of only.......". Unfortunately, we volunteer for a ministry which is very much in line with all the others who need money and are not bashful about asking for it. I donate to this ministry by designating money for use on a specific project only, and not for any general fund, retire the debt fund or have my money " matched" fund. I am not the most popular person with the Great Passion Play's hierarchy, but we didn't come here seven years ago to serve them, we came to serve GOD, and that's what we do.
I probably said too much. But.........what else is new? Thank You, Lord.......for Free Will.......and, above all, Your Will Be Done.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November 18, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. My Get Up and Go, Got Up and Went

Boy, did I hit the wall this afternoon. I have been on leaf patrol at the cabin the past few weeks and yesterday I really got at it. I also decided to make a "border" for the driveway into our property and dragged some 4 or 5 inch downed trees out of the woods for that purpose. I needed quite a few trees and by the time I finished with the leaf raking and burning I was happy with the results of my effort, but must have "overdone" it.
Today, I started out strong, but after doing some Passion Play chores and raking and burning leaves in The Holy Land, I realized that I was worn out, and decided to go back to the cabin......accepting the fact that this soon-to-be 75 year old body isn't what it used to be. The fact that I have a bad rotator cuff, in need of repair, plays into this picture in a big way. I know I need to scale back on my activity, but can't put it into practice. Type-A people are like that. After a shower, supper, and a long email to a former high school classmate, I feel better and glad for the prop-up adjustable bed I have been propped up on for more than an hour. In a few hours, I'll be back in a less propped up adjustable bed,hoping for a good night's rest.....and no leg cramps. Oh the joys of the (g)olden years.

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

November 15, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Outdoor Bears

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November 15, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Indoor Bears

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November 15, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Animal Farm

When we moved into our cabin in June we knew we would be liable to encounter a host of animals and need to have a plan to keep them from taking control of our home. Joan brought us Miss Hissy and her three kittens, but the little ones are all gone and just Miss Hissy remains. In the meantime, we have "adopted" two other cats who it turns out are our half-mile-away neighbor's outdoor cats. Mass and Parrot have come to partake of Miss Hissy's breakfast and dinner and while Parrot has decided to go home, Mass has not, and enjoys being petted and wants to come inside. 

Penny, our neighbor, thought Mass had disappeared, and was glad to hear that he was well, and well-fed, but wants him back to be a pal to Parrot and her two dogs Cooper and Leo. Plus, she misses her guard cat. We have decided to limit Mass, who we had named Rascal, from eating Miss Hissy's food and I will have a sit-down with him to encourage him to return to his family who misses him dearly.
Our squirrels which like the bird feeder may have been the cause of "rodent damage" to Jinny's car, to the tune of $3600. Our lawn has been target of either moles or armadillos and the hunters have begun roaming our adjoining property on weekends to clear our the hogs and thin the deer population. Taking the cat food in at dusk has kept the raccoons away, but we think they still prowl because we hear some to-dos at night. Our fish seem happy and with the cooler water temperatures they don't need to be fed as often. We are getting a lot of birds at the feeder once we shoo the squirrels away and at this point we have no plans for dogs, geese, chickens, or bringing Abraham, the donkey from the Passion Play, to live with us.
We did get used to the Passion Play "cast" animals and the petting zoo animals, including Indy, the pig, and see them when we work at the PP, but it's different when you are in the "wild" and share your space with them and they get to share their space with us. No telling what we are liable to encounter. We do have a host of indoor and outdoor bears, but that's another story. Pictures will have to do for now.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

November 12, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. What Are The Odds?

Life is not always what we expect it to be. Early in life we set goals for "What we want to be when we grow up". Some people set their goals high, and realize fairly soon that they are not going to have a snowball's chance of achieving them....and lower their target to something more realistic. Others keep trying and face failure again and again and then give up. Others actually do reach that goal and "beat the odds".
To be a professional athlete. To be a billionaire by age 50. To be a movie star. To be President of The United States. To dream the impossible dream is what every every one of us has fallen prey to at one time or another. The odds are not in our favor to be a pro athlete, a billionaire, s Broadway Star, or the President. People do reach these goals, but when we hear one who has say, "if I can do it, you can do it, too" it usually is a recipe for disappointment for the aspiring wannabe.
Get a good education, learn a skill and get good at it, watch what you get "addicted" to, be respectful to those in positions of authority, choose your friends wisely, keep your emotions in check, always tell the truth, stay out of jail. If you can achieve these, the odds for a successful and useful life are a definite possibility and always know that with God in your corner, the odds go up exponentially. Give Him the praise and He will give you the desires of your heart, peace, joy, contentment and a whole lot more.

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Monday, November 9, 2020

November 9, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Thank You, Donald Trump

I don't know how you were able to endure the unparalleled abuse thrown at you over the past four years. Before you were even sworn into office, there was a concerted effort by your "enemies" who were sworn to seeing you fail and be removed from that office. Between the Democrats, the mainstream media, and some within your own party, it was a war from start to finish. Yet, finish you did and in the process you accomplished a lot. Your appointments to the federal courts will have tremendous impact for years to come. There were many other great accomplishments.
The whole 2020 landscape with the politics, pandemic, immigration, racial tensions, economics, weather and wild fires was unprecedented and it is amazing that we as a country and you as our leader have come through it. We still face a lot of hard decisions and probably a lot of contention within our nation. I pray that there will be wise decisions made, not short-term "band-aid" "sound-bite" fixes. We are in for a rough ride. And I pray also for your final two months in office; that you will make wise decisions to make the transition smooth and amiable; that you will help those of us who wanted you to continue in office for another term accept that we will need to stand up for our rights, pick our battles well and not be angry or act toward "them" as they acted toward you.
I know you will rise to fight again and in that fight, may we all be determined to Make America Great Again. Thank you, Mr President. May God bless you and may God bless America. In reality, it is God who has the ultimate plan for us and our future. Thank You, Lord.

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Friday, November 6, 2020

November 6, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Who Won?

Right now there is no winner in the 2020 Presidential election. And the winner is certainly not the American people. While there is the ongoing debate over the electoral college tally versus the popular vote tally, and the expansion of absentee ballots, mail-in ballots and provisional ballots and the different systems of machines, paper ballots and voter registration rules and eligibility requirements administered by each individual state, it makes it very difficult to understand how the election system works at all.
The United States map with its red and blue counties, urban vs rural divisions and pre-vote surveys vs exit polls looks more like a "bloods versus crips" gang war than a country with a Constitutional form of government. We are far from a "United" States of America, but as bad as it may seem, I wouldn't even think of wanting to live in any other country.
With all the turmoil over this election, it looks like the House will remain Democratic and the Senate.......well, it too is still up for grabs. I pray that regardless of who eventually "wins", that we can somehow learn to get along, be calm in the face of confrontation and that we find peaceful ways to resolve our differences without resorting to violence, contentious law suits and wasting any more money beyond the estimated $14 Billion already spent on this year's fiasco. Even if we had that money back, I wonder if we could ever agree on where we should have spent it to do the most good for the most people. God help us. GOD......HELP.....US.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

November 3, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Election Day

Even though Karen and I voted last week and Jinny voted by absentee ballot, today is officially Election Day. While a lot of people were concerned about how Covid would affect the actual voting process and others were fearful of the mail-in efficiency, we didn't want to wait until the last minute and face long lines or machine issues. But our votes are in and the whole election situation is one which will have a major impact on our country and how we go forward from here. Many people are still standing on line, and many of the results will not be known for hours.....or days.
As with past elections, the ads have been confusing, negative, and a waste of a lot of money; and depending on which news you listen to I'm not sure that the "other" candidate should not already be in jail or in a mental institution. Our future is at stake and regardless of the outcome, a lot of people are going to be upset and some violently upset. The police, lawyers, unsuccessful candidates, political pundits, critics and the public at large seem to "ready for a fight" and expecting anything from an internet meltdown or a cyber-attack to a nuclear war as a reaction to the outcome of all the local, state and federal contests.
We need to pray for peace and calm to prevail, for winners to be humble in victory and losers to be gracious in defeat; for all of us to find ways to come together for the good of our country and the welfare of every citizen. God, help us to accept what happens, knowing that You have it all figured out and are in control of EVERYTHING. You weren't on the ballot in any precinct or district........but You definitely have my vote.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

October 31, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. One And Done

This is it. At the end of the day, the 2020 Passion Play season will be over. Yes, we will continue to do Holy Land tours, put up Christmas lights and Nativity scenes, and have people visiting the Christ of the Ozarks statue and enjoying our hiking and biking trails. But the set will be "black", the water to the set will be shut off, the bulk of our animals will be taken to warm indoor quarters off the property and a skeleton crew of paid staff and volunteers will work on maintenance and necessary projects to prepare us for the 2021 season.
It has been a different environment this year, with masks, social distancing, no dinner buffet, lower attendance and almost all of our tour groups cancelling, only a few volunteer and youth groups coming to help, and many of our cast members limiting their participation. The schedule for next season is out and it has fewer scheduled performance days and may be a repeat of this year if the health concerns still remain. But, we will stay optimistic. With our new house, Karen and I will be here for the winter and be part of the off-season staff. We'll know in a few weeks about my shoulder and the treatment needed to "fix" it, and its impact on what and how much I can do.
The One and Done subject is not really very appropriate to describe our status as Passion Play volunteers or as Christians. We have been here since May, 2014, with a few winter "vacations" serving elsewhere, but we are committed to THE ONE who provides for us and protects us, and we will be Done when HE says we are done and not a second before. For all YOU are, and for all YOU do for so many.......Thank You, Lord. We are blessed to be part of Your family.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

October 28, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Rain, Rain, Go Away.........

Not really. We have been rain-starved for most of the summer, after a pretty wet spring. The foliage popped out in time for our anticipated Easter weekend opening of the Play, but the Play was delayed by Covid until Memorial Day weekend. It was then that the rain seemed to go away. Instead of a wet September and early October, we had drought-like conditions.
And then, as the ladybug infestation seemed imminent, the temperatures dropped and so too came the rain. We did, and still do, have some fall colors, but the rain of the past week has knocked down much of the color and the rain, more than 5 inches so far, has really been welcome. We only have two performances remaining for the season, and both Friday and Saturday are forecast to be mild and dry. It looks like we will only have lost one performance this season to the weather and have managed to not have even a drop of rain during any of our Play performances this year. In our seven years here, that is a record.
Today has been the fifth day in a row with temperatures in the 40's or below, no sunshine and wet conditions. But, we have endured, as have our visitors, and we look forward to the weekend "heat wave" and the dry conditions anticipated. When we were asking for moisture a while back, we didn't know what we were in for. As careful what you ask may just get spades.

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Sunday, October 25, 2020

October 25, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. The Week In Review

Even though one of my devotional readings this morning said "you can't get anywhere today, if you're still bogged down in yesterday", I want to give a quick review of the past week.....and Thank God for it.
Last Sunday I attended a memorial for a Passion Play cast member who was in the Play for 52 of its 53 years. What a wonderful witness his life was. I prayed for a former pastor and his wife, who had to evacuate their home in Colorado because of the wild fires. On Monday I gave a Holy Land tour to six wonderful guests. On Tuesday, I taught the Tabernacle, presented the Upper Room to very receptive listeners and was prayed for, given a surprising donation for the Passion Play and wore a warm cape made specially for me by our dear friend Joan. On Wednesday I endured some technology issues, met some very nice truck repair people and readied my pickup and our cabin for the upcoming winter conditions.
On Thursday I did a few cabin chores, we had friends at the cabin for dinner, saw a few ladybugs and went back to the RV to prepare for two performance days. I listened to the Presidential Debate. I cast my vote at the Early Voting site. Friday and Saturday were pretty cold and I used a warmer cape which Joan has given me last year (a 2XL which Dick had used for years), and spent a blustery two days at the Upper Room and in the Play each night performing before a bundled up audience who endured uncomfortable conditions to witness the Play, and the story of Jesus' Passion.
A number of our friends, family and co-workers faced difficult situations this week: a positive Covid test, a cancer diagnosis, an injured knee, an eye issue initially thought to be a torn retina, harsh words and foul language aimed at them, a person injured during a bike race on the Passion Play property, slow recovery from a recent heart operation, financial challenges, vehicle problems, enduring the sudden weather changes from hot and humid to cold and windy.
But in all this we forged ahead. The ladybugs may have decided to bypass us this year because of the cold weather, and I awoke each day still eager to do what I have been called to do. I think our former pastor was able to return to his home. My other devotional (Our Daily Bread) this morning was Joshua 1:1-9, God's encouragement to be strong and courageous and His promise to never leave us or forsake us. I enjoyed the week, had many wonderful experiences even with the bumps in the road, and I feel that I have been strengthened for the road ahead and trusting God for His plan and purpose for each of us. Stay the course, run the race and finish strong..........We will be better prepared for His future Kingdom..............THANK YOU, LORD.

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

October 22, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Technology

I can't keep up with the technological changes which seem to be obsolete just as I get to some degree of understanding the last change. I have an older model cell phone, an android smart phone which is smarter than me, but not as smart as the 4 or 5 iterations which have come out since my "6" phone. Karen has an 8, my sister-in-law has soothing like a 10 and the latest is beyond normal numbers.
There are notepads, tablets, minis, maxis, boosters, wi-fi extenders which can't extend a wi-fi signal with too little input or not enough output. Our HVAC tells us when it is too cold for air and too warm for heat and does it all automatically. We are thinking about a standby generator to automatically run our household power should the HVAC system lose it's brain because of a loss of electric power. All of these systems don't need any action on our part except trusting the people who have installed them, to do so properly.
And, whatever we buy, we get a survey to rate the service we received, the quality of the product and a discount on the next order we make. Non-profits want our support, and when we do, they keep badgering us for more money, or tempt us with a new book, dvd, cd, or special offer which will only be available for the next 48 hours. My phone gets untold numbers of calls from people who want me to vote for them or for an issue I have no interest in. I wish I wasn't getting calls, texts and snail mail for Eugenia, and as often as I block the number, it just comes from another number.
It's too much. It's too intrusive and it's only bound to get worse with open enrollment for Medicare, Political solicitors and all the special interest groups wanting our support and financial gifts. And, who knows what the latest scam will be and what foreign country or radical group will be behind it.
I do remember when an operator used to say"number please", when we had regular cash registers at every store and life was a lot simpler, time went by more slowly and we wore masks playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians and we didn't think if we were offending someone with our nickname or the name of our favorite sports team. We do live in challenging times, great things are still in the offing........I hope........but I do miss the adventures of the past and the " good old days".

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Monday, October 19, 2020

October 19, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Looking Too Far Ahead

When I pulled the cord on that chain saw, I knew instantly I had made a mistake. My blog of October 4, expressed my frustration. I had done my own "thing" and not listened to God. The pain in my shoulder, another anticipated visit to the VA Orthopedic people, surgery, rehab, limited activity......looking to the future.
All this, because I wanted to look out further to the east of our cabin, increase our already beautiful view. But God had something else in His plan. The tree I wanted to take down has now changed color and has beautified the view ever more than if I had taken it down. The lessen: enjoy the moment, don't look too far into the future for what MIGHT be......enjoy the moment for what it IS.
My shoulder is pretty tender. Even the slightest movement in the wrong direction, brings a twinge or stab of discomfort. When I see the doc on November 16, we'll chart a course of action. Until then, enjoy a break from the " heavy" work, enjoy the view, and Thank God for the added color to the east......and trust Him for what will be with my shoulder.

Friday, October 16, 2020

October 16, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. T-minus.........

The countdown has begun. We are under ten performance days to go in the 2020 season. That there was a 2020 season of The Great Passion Play, at all, was a miracle in itself. As the Covid situation began and grew in severity, we held out little hope that the State of Arkansas would allow us to open. But, the plan which was submitted was accepted and we complied with the requirements of masks, social distancing and the food limitations, and start we did.
Attendance was down until the last few weeks, and the prospects for this weekend look pretty good with favorable weather expected. We have faced some other issues, as well; a vulture mom and her two chicks taking up residence in the Bethlehem Inn, armadillos destroying the sod-laying of our Garden of Gethsemane as well as the front feature at the PP entrance, the loss of a number of our Play and petting zoo animals, and the death of Rich G. who had been in the Play cast for over 52 years.
A number of injuries during the season impacted the size of our cast which was already lower due to the Covid concerns, and I think I will need to have my shoulder repaired in order to be able to handle the PP and cabin chores which require a better-functioning body than I presently have. I'll know more when I visit the VA Ortho people in mid-November. In any event.........8 performance days to go.....and counting.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

October 13, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Down to the Mountaintop

In Colorado we lived "at altitude" and often went "up" into the mountains for our recreation, sightseeing, and relaxation. When I was training for triathlons and cycling events, I would alternate my workouts to use the flatland east of the Rockies for speed work and days in the mountains to build leg strength and lung strength. All of this activity was from altitudes between 5000 and 14,000+ feet above sea level.
In Arkansas the mountains are really molehills. The highest point in the whole state is Mount Magazine at 2,753 feet. Where we have been the past 7 years, at the Passion Play, on the top of Magnetic Mountain, the elevation is 1500 feet. This part of Arkansas is famous for its up and down terrain and winding roads and lack of ability to get from place to place in a straight or level fashion. It's not unusual to take an hour to get to a place 30 miles away.
When we were looking for a mountain cabin away from the RV we have been living in since 2013, we were thrilled when we found our "promised land" 8.5 miles (17 minutes) from the PP. There are quite a few ups and downs to get from here to there and a check of the elevation of our mountain home turns out to be 1473 feet, so we are really traveling "down" to our cabin in the mountains. But it's of no consequence.... both are mountaintop experiences, and we love them both.
The other night Karen and I watched a documentary on Mount Everest......Elevation over 29,000 feet. Talk about a mountain!

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Saturday, October 10, 2020

October 10, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Up And At ‘Em

I'm a morning person; always have been. No matter how late I get to bed, it's pretty certain I will be up early and rarin' to go. I am what is called an "unwinder". My spring is tightly wound and as the day goes on the spring unwinds and I lose the enthusiasm I had when my feet hit the floor. By late afternoon I'm unwound and ready to nap in my recliner.
Karen, on the other hand, is a "winder". She starts out slow, can sleep "in" and gains energy as the day goes along. She usually starts chores late in the day and has been known to vacuum at 10 pm and stays up for Perry Mason reruns and beyond. We've been on different agendas, but it has worked for 46 years, so why change now.
When I was younger, the morning was my exercise time, running and then biking, but now the morning is for quiet time with God, reading His Word, journaling, and an occasional walk before the chores or projects for the day. Because I have been blogging later in the day, I thought I would blog early today, after my quiet time, my Passion Play chores and before the busyness expected today. If something exciting or unusual happens, maybe I'll blog again later. That would be different. In any event......have a nice day......have a BLESSED day

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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

October 7, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Not Enough Hours in the Day

I guess I've slowed down more than I thought. I start a task, get into it a
ways, and realize I need to take a water break, a potty break or just a rest break, and by the time I get back to work it's time for another water break, potty break or rest break. And by then, it's time to call it a day and the task isn't done.
With my right arm not working at full capacity, I've had to be careful about lifting, twisting or moving around on uneven ground. Arkansas doesn't have much level ground, so climbing or descending is done at a slower pace. Boy, the day goes by quickly and once again the blogging is delayed. When I write down in my notebook the things I've done during the day, there are a bunch of entries, so I am making progress, even if I've had to redo or undo some of my prior work.
With only 11 more performance days (over the next 24 days), our focus will switch to mostly working and living in the cabin and not in the RV, doing cabin chores instead of Passion Play chores. Less travel time and more stay put time; less public focus and more family/ friend focus. Maybe more hours in the day to sit on the deck, watch the trees turn colorful, read a book or listen to some sermons, sew my crosses again, and enjoy the beautiful property God has blessed us with, reveling in the freedom of serving our awesome, patient and loving Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thank You.......Thank You......Thank You.

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Sunday, October 4, 2020

October 4, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Slow Down and LISTEN

Life is racing along with innumerable issues to be faced and resolved. It seems that most recently there have been even more things which have needed my attention and are distracting me from the MOST important thing.....listening to God.
To list all the issues Karen and I are are facing would be like what we used to call in Law School, "a parade of horrible". One thing leads to the next, and each one is worse then the one before. We are not alone. Everyone is facing problems, worries, health issues, uncertainty of the political and social climate.....and so much more.
All I know is that two days ago God put a check in my spirit about something I was planning to do, and there was more than one check.......but I decided to proceed with my plan anyway.....and now have a rotator cuff more damaged than I had before.....and may have to have the surgery I didn't want to have when I first was injured. The moral of the story.........
Slow down..........don't try to do everything by yourself..........don't try to fix every problem or solve every dilemma NOW.......and...........LISTEN..TO..GOD. Sorry Lord for not applying these principles two days ago, but Thank You for giving me some sense of how to handle the next "idea" I have. Yes........Thank You, Lord.

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Thursday, October 1, 2020

October 1, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. The Figures Don’t Lie.........

.......or do they. Today a thought popped into my mind and I started to investigate, but decided to do some work around the cabin instead. I never got back to my investigation. It dawned on me that someone must be keeping records of how many people die in the United States in a year, or on an "average" day.
I wanted to find out if this year, with it's pandemic, was any different. My initial research said that the figures are not a whole lot different even with the 200,000 Covid-19 deaths. Is that true? Well. Since I didn't complete my investigation, I will follow up when I have a little more "free time". See you all later, with possible results.

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Monday, September 28, 2020

September 28, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Past, Present, Future

Today is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement for Jews. I grew up as a Jew and Yom Kippur was the day when all of us went to Temple to repent of our sins for the prior year. It was a serious day and we began by not eating anything for 24 hours, spent most of our waking hours in Temple reciting prayers (mostly in Hebrew) and trying to understand the traditions and rituals of Judaism a little better than we had in prior years.
Tomorrow marks the 12th anniversary of my heart attack and "lights and siren" ambulance ride to the hospital in Fort Collins to have two stents put in my arteries to relieve 99 and 95 percent blockages.
Today, a I led a group of visitors on a tour of the Passion Play's Holy Land, I blew the Shofar as part of my presentation, remembering my past as a Jew, the gratitude I have for the medical care I have been receiving from the VA as a result of my Agent Orange disability from VietNam and the praise I give to God for brining me to faith in Jesus Christ in June, 1999, just over 21 years ago.
And with all that has gone before, all we are experiencing now, I look forward and thank God for the freedom we have in Christ to serve as we do through our words, our actions and our thoughts. Thank You, Lord for everything we have been through, for being our strength in the tough times, the joy in the good times and for Your promise of great times yet to come. All praise and honor to You.

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Friday, September 25, 2020

September 25, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Rain (continued)

The Play went on as scheduled, without any more rain. The temperature stayed mild and though the crowd was small......the show went on. Today, as we prepare for our weekend performances, the temperature is in the high 70's, there is no rain forecast until early next week and the temperatures will be heading toward the 40's. Arkansas weather is very fickle and we have to be prepared for whatever comes our way from any direction.
It is nice to have lower humidity, since humidity here makes the hot hotter and the cold colder. With it now being officially Autumn, I guess we can start looking for the Fall colors, the leaves starting to drop from the trees and the anticipation of the first frost and maybe even snow. It certainly has been a fast moving year. Karen's dad used to say that as you get older, the time seems to go by quicker. We kind of poo-pooed it, but, he was right. Enjoy it while we can......."the times they are a-changin'"

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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

September 22, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Rain

We have been without rain for quite a long time. Most of September has been dry and the past day we have had cool and moist conditions. It didn't come down in buckets as it has in parts of the Gulf Coast, it was gentle and much appreciated. In a few minutes I will head to the set for the 7:30 Play performance and while most of the rain is to our East, there is still the possibility of rain during the Play. It would be our first Play-in-the-rain situation this year, and with the temperature at 66 degrees now and heading to 57 degrees overnight, it will be one of the cooler temperatures we will have faced.
But, as of now the Play is "on" and we will do what has to be done to present the Gospel message to those who have come to hear it. We have less than 20 performance days left for the season. It has been a different year, with the same message as we always present, and we are thankful to have been given the opportunity to present Jesus to our guests. Thank You, Lord, for that opportunity, and all You have done for us.

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Saturday, September 19, 2020

September 19, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. At The Table

I don't usually take my iPad with me when I am a presenter in The Holy Land. But, since I have been more time-crunched with the earlier starting time for the Play, and not wanting to do a late night blog, I am going to write between presentations at The Upper Room. I'm sitting behind the table, not reclining at it, so the "mood" is not as it would have been at The Last Supper, but I feel the impact of what Jesus did at the final Passover He spent with His disciples.
There is something about being at The Great Passion Play, being a Holy Land presenter, a Tabernacle teacher, and a member of the Play cast which is different from anything I have ever done before, and there is definitely a mood here which is not to be found anywhere else. After seven years volunteering here, it's hard to imagine doing something else or being in a different ministry. But........if God does have a new purpose for us, wants us to be elsewhere, I guess we will have some praying to do. I don't mean to anticipate what might be up the road, just hope we have a chance to enjoy our new/old cabin and the table which has been set for us by the events of the past few months. In His Service.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

September 16, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Time

Time is such an uncompromising part of our life. Most everything we experience in life is unique. Think of all the sights, sounds, smells and tastes we encounter and in almost every is different from anything we have experienced before. How then is time so consistent. A second is "one Mississippi ", it is always the same. An hour is an hour, no matter whether it is during the morning, afternoon, when we are awake or asleep. Time marches on, it flies, and it stands still.......but it is a constant over which we have no power or control.
We wish our bad days would get over quicker, while we want our good days to last forever. And yet, we have no ability to speed up the clock or slow it down. Time is in God's hand and when our time is up, hopefully we will be eternally in His Hands.
Why this topic? I have tried to be consistent with my blogging, keeping to an every-third-day schedule, but sometimes, like today, time gets away from me and I don't sit down to blog until just before bed time. Karen and I took a day away, and while we just ended up in different stores in different places, we enjoyed our time out of the usual routine and the work "needing" to be done in the cabin. Tomorrow is a good time to do what we didn't do today and it was fun to have a Steak 'n Shake Garlic Double Steakburger. It's been a long time.

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

September 13, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. And Then There Were Two....

When Joan brought us three kittens and their momma (Miss Hissy), we were instant pet "parents" and we took to the feeding schedule even though the family didn't get very close to us and either dashed off when we came close or ate and ran when we interrupted their eating time. Pretty soon after they arrived one of the little ones was "lost" and we had no indication of what had happened to it.
Last week one of the kittens was by the water dish when I came outside. It had a paw in the water dish. I talked to her and actually got fairly close, but it didn't run off. It walked slowly under a nearby bench and laid down there and again I got close, but it did not respond or seem to hear me or see me. Later that evening, I found it sprawled out on the back lawn, barely moving, breathing very slowly. No indication of an injury or having had a run-in with another animal. It was Labor Day and we couldn't get hold of any of the vets in the area. Miss Hissy was about 30 feet away watching, but there was nothing she or I could do. The next morning the kitten was in the same place, it's paws tucked in toward its tummy and it was dead. I took it away from the cabin, dug a hole and gave it a "proper" burial. It was very sad to lose our second little one, unnamed and not knowing if either was a boy or girl.
The remaining kitten sleeps by our "bird-side" door on a mat which says "Wipe Your Paws", but we still can't get close to it and we see Miss Hissy and the last little one only occasionally. It is sad, but part of the life process with animals, and sometimes with people as well. We hope we will have the opportunity to get closer to Miss Hissy and Paws, but we will continue to give them food and water, and as it gets cooler, a place where they can be warm at night and safe from the perils of being outdoor cats. Maybe, one day, they will become members of our indoor family. Be safe.......and as for #1 and in peace.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

September 10, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Early To Bed......

Tonight the sun set at 7:29 in Eureka Springs. It seems that when we started the Passion Play at 8:30 it was just barely getting dark, and now it has suddenly gotten dark a lot earlier. I guess that's why we will be starting the Play at 7:30 for the remainder of the season, 23 more performances. It also means we will be finished at 9:15 instead of 10:15 and we can get to bed an hour earlier. I enjoy the new time set up, but have to remember to get on the set with less time to rest after my Holy Land presentations.
Because of Covid restrictions, it has been a strange year, with masking, distancing and screening elements added to the normal system of doing more with less people and adding to that my splitting time between the RV at the Passion Play and our cabin in the "suburbs". We are still deciding how to handle our living arrangements over the winter, but we won't think that one through for a few months, unless the weather takes a decided turn for the colder. And then........
For now, I just want to see us finish the season well, healthy and committed to the mission of the Passion Play. God has certainly blessed us and we are grateful. With it being dark already, I may just get a head start on the early to bed regimen.

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Monday, September 7, 2020

September 7, 2020. Holiday Island, AR Labor Day Labor

There is always something which needs to be done. The Bible commands us to labor six days and rest on the seventh. But all too often we ignore that command and labor when we should be resting. If the pipe bursts, there is snow which piles up, the boss calls with an urgent request, or waiting a full day to fix the problem would turn the problem into a disaster, we have no choice but to make our rest day into a work day.
And what about the holiday of Labor Day itself when we are to rest and honor the efforts of American workers throughout our history. While many people are relaxing at the lake, or beach or just enjoying a paid day away from their job, most people are laboring around the house and needing Tuesday to recover from their day of rest. I had to repair a screen door closer, make a temporary fix to a muffler extension pipe, get a door to latch more effectively, hang a large picture, and do two loads of laundry. It was work, but it was all to help make our coming days of rest more enjoyable and comfortable.
Happy Labor Day, but most of all thanks to all those who work when we are resting, to those who are the "first responders", disaster relief, health professionals, public safety workers, defend us from those who wish us ill, and all who contribute to making our lives a little more comfortable. In fact, thank you to everyone who helps someone else, who does the right thing and tries to brighten up the darkness which has become so much a part of our life. And.......Thank You to The One Who is always at work, or on call. Thank You, Lord.

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Friday, September 4, 2020

September 4, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. IceCream-Less

Most of my life I have been addicted to ice cream. There was no such thing as one bowl of ice cream or one scoop or moderation of any kind. It was all-out-unlimited ice cream and there was no alternative plan. After my heart attack, when I started getting medical care at the VA in Cheyenne, Wyoming, my doctor told me to eliminate ice cream from my diet. I was shocked and asked him for a second option. He said to eliminate yogurt, cheese and all dairy products as well. I told him that was an impossibility and that I better look for a new doctor.
I didn't look for a different doctor because I really liked Dr. T, but I didn't follow his advice either. That was 2009. After my less-than-satisfactory bloodwork numbers last month, the current VA doctor in Arkansas told me I had to watch my glucose and A1C or risk being labeled a diabetic. I took the advice seriously this time and have decided to do away with the ice cream, read the labels more closely for sugars, added sugars and the other "naughties" and as I have done with other "addictions"........go cold turkey, bite the bullet and get this situation under control......and do it NOW.
Karen has been a real asset in this battle. More vegetables, more fruits, giving me bags of food to bring with me to the RV when I don't go back to the cabin because of the Friday-Saturday schedule. With a Sunday performance day this weekend, she gave me extra to keep me on course. It's going to work. I can feel it. GET BEHIND ME ICE CREAM. You aren't welcome least not until the next round of blood tests.......

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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

September 1, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Rain

The hurricane didn't come this far north, so the rain we were expecting, and desperately needed didn't come........until a front from the west arrived and brought good, steady rain overnight last night. The rain gauge read just over an inch, but I think we might have received more. In any event, it was nice not to have to drag hoses and see the dirt roads tamped down after the plows did their grading last week.
With the rain came some cooler weather and that too is welcome after the hot and humid month of August. The Play enters its final two months and with the earlier 7:30 start time after this coming weekend, it makes our performance day end at 9:15 and allows us to get to sleep earlier. This has been an unusual year and one full of new adventures, challenges and opportunities. I'll close for now. Thanks for tuning in. Not much in the writing mood, I guess.

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

August 29, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Unsurvivable ?

I decided to write about the recent use of the word "unsurvivable" in regards to the storm surge anticipated from Hurricane Laura as it approached the Louisiana coast. As with many predictions the bark was worse than the bite and the storm was survivable. Remember Chicken Little and the falling sky? We have succumbed to the need for fear over fact in our news reporting, weather predictions and most everything involving our health and welfare.
But, as I began to write, I noticed that the sky had darkened, a stiff wind from the west had cropped up and it appears we will be getting our first rain in quite a while. There is a large Volkswagen rally in the area to the west of our motor home, and while many of the display tents set up have blown down and some people are leaving, many others are still coming. I guess it's a case of some people running from the storm and others coming to experience it.
Human nature is funny. Life is funny. The point.........we won't get out of this life alive, so face it, make the best of what comes and trust God for the eternal destination He has promised those who are devoted to Him. So far it hasn't rained a drop and the people keep going and coming. Go figure.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

August 26, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. The Conventions

In a year turned upside down by health concerns, economic reversals, racial unrest, masks and social distancing, unprecedented weather conditions, sports being played in empty arenas, political turmoil and finger-pointing, we have entered the season of the unconventional Political Conventions and the onslaught of he-said-she-said and all the usual rhetoric and promises of a better tomorrow if you "vote for me".
Karen and I have not watched either Convention. We have our opinions and nothing is going to change our minds or those opinions. We were originally supposed to vote at the Catholic Church in Eureka Springs, but now will vote at the Holiday Island Country Club because of our "move" since we first registered in Arkansas and our new physical address in the woods. As you can surmise from my last blog we won't be depending on the Post Office for a mail-in ballot, but will vote the conventional person, although we may do something unconventional.........take advantage of early voting. We'll see, as we get closer to Election Day.
As with most things in 2020, and life in general........don't get too comfortable.......things are bound to change. There is one certainty, however. HE is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thank You, Lord.

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Sunday, August 23, 2020

August 23, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Holiday Island

When we first came to Arkansas in early 2014 to volunteer at the Passion Play we took some time to explore the area around Eureka Springs. Eureka Springs, itself, is a quaint Victorian-style city of about 2000 people, built on rugged terrain with steep hills, narrow streets and what can politely be called a liberal political agenda. The area outside Eureka is home to a wide variety of people from squirrel eaters to connoisseurs and everything in between. Mostly common folk. The Passion Play, which we used as our physical address prior to the cabin, is in Eureka Springs, but outside the City limits, so not under the political control of the city, but definitely impacted by all of their rules and regulations and restrictions.
And then there is Holiday Island. When we first explored it, it seemed like a Florida retirement community with houses on the golf course, a marina with fancy boats, big homes with beautiful views, a pricey homeowners association and maybe a bit too snooty for folk like Karen and me. The "physical" address of our cabin is in the Holiday Island zip code, outside the "city limits" of Holiday Island (no association fees), but has a Eureka Springs label when we tell people our address, so anything bigger than the mail box isn't delivered to our mail box (a half mile from our cabin) and the mailman won't drive the half mile to deliver it so it goes to the Holiday Island post office, two miles from our cabin, where we have to go to pick it up. Is that confusing? Wait. It gets worse.
We don't want any of our mail to be sent to our physical address since it is on a more-travelled county road and susceptible to "pirates" so we had to submit a change of address to the Holiday Island post office giving our Eureka Springs post office box as a forwarding address for any mail sent to our physical address. The PO Box in Eureka Springs is 10 miles from our physical address, 2 miles from the Passion Play, but more secure, even though some packages sent there are too big for the box and we can only pick them up during business hours, which are more flexible than the Holiday Island post office.
Did any of that make sense? Have I told you about the Census "mess" we created by living in Eureka Springs, but not in the city limits on April 1, but now living in a Holiday Island physical address, but not in the city limits, with a Eureka Springs address label?
I've written too much already. See you next time.

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Thursday, August 20, 2020

August 20, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Land of Plenty

The store shelves have always been full, the inventory in most stores has been over the top and if you wanted something, you could find it in any number of places and even take it home with you. In my lifetime, it has always been that way. But there have been times in our country's history when there have been shortages and some items were scarce or unavailable at all.
. Unfortunately, we are experiencing another period of such scarcity. Partly because of less access to imported goods and cutbacks in American production, we are seeing empty shelves, back-ordered products and longer waits for building projects and skilled trades people to do the work we are unable to do ourself. The Land of Plenty is not a label we can put on America at the moment
But, we have to know that if it's tough for us, it is probably even tougher elsewhere. We are still the comparative Land of Plenty in the world, blessed beyond measure and we need to keep our chins up, stay the course and know that not only better times, but the best times, are still ahead.

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Monday, August 17, 2020

August 17, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. On The Edge

My visit to the VA last week was a wake-up call. The blood work was pretty much unchanged from last year except for two numbers; glucose and a1c. Although the numbers are not in the danger zone, they have risen significantly and need to be headed downward instead of upward. And so, some drastic actions are necessary and there may be a period of "withdrawal" for me to endure in order to achieve those lower numbers in three months.
I'm taking too many medications and supplements as it is, so another pill is not an option. It will eat less (or eliminate) ice cream (I am addicted), no more yoghurt every day, no energy bars with all that added sugar, no Dots, no popcorn every day, fewer chips and pretzels, fewer processed foods, and less pre-bed snacking; and initiate a diet more focused on fruits and vegetables, an egg a day, nuts, seeds and fewer Ensure-Plus meals on the run. We also now live about two miles from a fitness center which accepts Silver Sneakers, so I signed up and will get back to a moderate exercise "routine" to encourage my body to burn off some of its unnecessary baggage.
I can, and will, do this. There are too many things still to be done. I don't think God put us at the Passion Play these past seven seasons, or gave us this beautiful cabin in the mountains to have me face a health obstacle. I know He will see us through it. In advance.............Thank You, Lord.

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Friday, August 14, 2020

August 14, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Who Was That Masked Man?

For twelve years I worked in a computer chip fabricating facility (Fab). We wore special clothing (bunny suit) which protected the wafers we were manufacture from being contaminated by us. Every part of our body was covered, women wore no make-up or perfume and we were required to not use any after-shave, deodorant with a fragrance or anything which would endanger the product we were manufacturing. It had the cleanliness of a hospital operating room.
In the current climate, we are being asked, and in some places required, to minimize the chances of infecting others, or being infected ourself, by wearing masks, keeping a safe distance or being shielded from others. In the cleanroom environment we only saw the eyes of our co-workers so identification was based on voice, walking style, and not by "normal" senses. In the Play's cast environment it's very much the same. Since we don't always perform in the same role, we can't use the role as an identification marker and with face coverings shielding us and muffling our voice and much of the set dimly lit it's tough to respond by name to a hello or question or comment. There is a lot of "hi there", "hi brother", "hi sister", or just plain "hi" in answer to a "hi there", " hi brother", "hi sister", or just plain "hi".
Out in the world, it's not all that different, and the hope is we will progress toward an effective vaccine, a natural remedy to the virus or an Act of God cure. Be cautious and be safe everyone and trust that "this too shall pass."

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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

August 11, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. A Different America

To continue the thoughts from three days ago. I lost a favorite music teacher, at the hands of a hit-and-run driver, when I was in elementary school. It had a deep impact on me and how I understood and handled the death of someone I was close to.
When JFK was assassinated, and the further events of that weekend, America changed and there was a reality I had not faced before.
The deaths of RFK and MLK in 1968 and my military service, time in Vietnam, and return to the anti-war climate of Washington, D.C. made me see America in a different light and changed me and my faith in corporate America and the political leadership of our country. There have been many events since then which hardened me, caused me to hold strong opinions, and see an America which has lost its way morally and spiritually. When I "found" God it was like America had abandoned Him, and it is only getting worse. I don't know what the answer is, other than "finding" Him again and holding on and not letting go.
We are at a critical time, and we should not be tempted by slick slogans, spin doctors, the opinions of celebrities and sports "heroes", clever advertising gimmicks and political promises that are too good to be true. Be careful who you hitch your wagon to and be aware that we need to be wise in the decisions we make and realize that there will be consequences for unwise decisions. Pray for wisdom and The Truth

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Saturday, August 8, 2020

August 8, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Take a Deep Breath

We have all had times in our life, when we faced issues that seemed beyond our ability to understand or figure out how we were going to make it through them and get back to "normal". In each of those instances we did what had to be done; we looked to our parents, our teachers or religious leader, a trusted friend or relative, or we "sucked it up and put on our "big boy pants" and moved forward.
As we face the current situation with it's health, economic, ethical and moral considerations, it's time to come to grips with how we are going to find our path to peace, contentment and through what is yet to come. It seems that our leaders and "go to people" are not up to the tasks at hand, are in over their heads and alternately confident or indecisive, pointing fingers or covering their back, informed or in the dark and not worthy of our trust or support. It seems that we may have to just take a deep breath, gather our loved ones around us, get down on our knees and ask God to point us in the right direction and trust Him to be with us each step of the way, for our good and HIS GLORY.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

August 5, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Wild Kingdom

Wild Kingdom was a tv show started in the early '60s to acquaint city folks, like me, with the wide variety of animals not usually found in an urban environment. Marlin Perkins, Jim Fowler, and a host of others, including Joan Embery from the San Diego Zoo became popular guests on the Tonight Show. Exotic animals seemed to fascinate us.
As we adapt to our cabin environment in addition to the Passion Play, we realize that we have been exposed to a lot of different animals and in some cases it is us who have invaded their territory and upset their natural routine. It has been fun to be around donkeys, camels, sheep, goats, horses, Indy the pig, ducks, geese, pigeons, koi and gold fish, deer, feral cats, tire-chasing dogs, hummingbirds, wild birds, vultures with babies; and not as much fun having squirrels in the bird feeder, raccoons, snakes, armadillos, coyotes, deer that eat our peaches, strawberries and flowers, chiggers, ticks, mites and other itch-creating critters, wasps, ants, spiders and Japanese beetles, But all of them are God's handiwork and have a part to play in the whole scheme of the thing called life. One day we may understand better all the who, what, where, when, and why's, but for now we just give everything and everyone their "space" and do our best to maintain our own. Thank You, Lord........I think.

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Sunday, August 2, 2020

August 2, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Grandcats

Karen and I have always loved animals, but have never owned a dog or cat in our 46 years of marriage. But, as country folks, everyone thought it would be a good idea for us to have pets to help control the animals which now want us to allow them unlimited access to our property. We have squirrels, raccoons, deer, slithering types, mice and other larger critters which may require "weapons" to repel.
With this is mind, our friend Joan "gifted" us with Miss Hissy, an outdoor cat (actually more of a kitten) and her 3 little ones (sex undetermined at this time), and delivered them earlier this week. They promptly ran off but have since returned for the food we put out every morning. We did see all four of them together earlier today, but they are still not ready to accept us as their new grandparents. One seems to be curious, so there is hope we will build a relationship as we provide their solid food needs and eventually a place for them to hunker down when the weather turns colder. Hopefully they will survive the "wilds" of rural Carroll County and become the pest control we are looking for.
No pictures at this time, since we can't get close enough to them, and no names yet other than Miss Hissy who was terrorizing Joan's other outdoor cats, probably to keep them away from her kids. Maybe we'll install a motion-detecting camera at their breakfast site to see if they are the ones actually emptying the bowls, or whether the pests they have been brought in to control have gotten the upper hand already.
Another new chapter in our journey. More to follow.

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Thursday, July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Arkansans

Karen and I are one step closer to being full-fledged Arkansans. Yesterday we surrendered our Colorado Driver's Licenses with their terrible photos and applied for Arkansas Driver's Licenses with even worse photos. In Colorado we had to wait about a week until the licenses were mailed to us, but in Arkansas you get to see the ugly picture in about 10 minutes. Yesterday, I looked like Santa Claus, but with all this hair for my Passion Play roles, what did I expect.
In any event, we are registered, licensed, insured, medically established, domiciled, voter-eligible and other than Colorado cell-phone numbers.........Arkansans. Woo Pig Sooie........whatever that means. Just keep those wild feral hogs off our property. We will defend our "hearth and home".

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Monday, July 27, 2020

July 27, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. I Didn’t Know That

As we begin the process of making our cabin not just a new house, but a home, it's amazing how many new things we are learning. At the Passion Play, when I teach about Moses' Tabernacle in the Wilderness, I encourage people to ask questions and from those questions I realize that there are things, many things, I don't know from my past studies and much still to be learned. It's amazing how many things we experience for the first time, many times a day.
The technology changes daily, old "home remedies" seem to pop up often when we discuss almost any subject: cleaning supplies, diet, gardening, exercise, wound care, medicine (prescription or homeopathic), recycling, composting.......... and on and on. Did you know that certain hummingbird feeders will attract more bees than hummingbirds and there is a remedy for it? I didn't know that until this morning and since I didn't have access to the remedy, the hummingbirds are looking for the feeder (which I took down), but the bees are not. Go figure.
My point, everyday is a new opportunity, and a chance to learn something new. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks, if the dog is willing to step out into new territory. Some of us have another word for And for that faith I say.......Thank You, Lord.

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Friday, July 24, 2020

Room At The Inn

     Our Holy Land Tour at TGPP has a replica of the Inn at Bethlehem and the stable (cave) where Jesus was born.  Recently a black vulture took up residence in the Inn and is now the momma of two vululturettes who occupy the room just bryond the kitchen area of the innkeeper's house. All seem to be doing well and not intimidated by our invasion of their home.  God's creation is amaxing to behold.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The cabin.

As it started out 40 years ago

July 21, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Country

Although Karen and I have lived in rural Arkansas for all or part of the past seven years, we have never really considered ourselves "country". But since we bought the house last month, we are almost ready to claim the status of Country Folk.
Our forty year old cabin with a metal roof and beautiful wood floors and a wrap-around deck is at the end of a county road with no houses beyond us. We are literally the end of the road. We have 10.97 acres, well water, a septic tank and leach field, a propane tank, a burn pit and even a burn barrel (recently purchased from a junk yard). I drive a 16 year old four-wheel drive pick-up with a stick and drop steps. Our mail is delivered to a PO Box, even though we have a mail box at the other end of our county road on another county road, about a half mile a away.
We have bird feeders which the squirrels love, hummingbirds, raccoon paw prints on our back (to the floor) windows (with a beautiful view to the east), a coi pond with gold fish and a brook running down the hill to it, fruit trees which the deer love, a garden with luscious tomatoes, onions and other crops tbd, flowers to be watered and weeded, a riding lawn mower and a shed with tools, fertilizers, insecticides, two wheelbarrows, a power washer and tarps, cords. The list goes on and on and we are amazed that we have been blessed with such a home and the chance to finally have people come to visit and have a place for them to spread out, inside or out, a barbecue and smoker and a porch swing. The list is endless and we are BLESSED. People are coming to visit even before we are "officially" unpacked or repainted. It has been a lot of work, but it is, and will be fun. Y'all come see us now, ya hear.

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Saturday, July 18, 2020

July 18, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. A Purpose For Everything

Thirty-seven years ago, at the age of 37, I competed in a 3200 mile bicycle race across the United States and didn't understand at the time how much of that experience, and what I learned from it, would come back and be valuable in the years to follow. Much of my ministry activities the past 21 years have involved being able to work long hours with minimal rest to help people find solutions to financial, medical and emotional issues which were impacting them. Endurance was the key.
For our 7years here in Arkansas at The Great Passion Play, weather and enduring hot and humid conditions for long hours at a time are a fact of life, and what I am called to endure as I teach and accomplish the chores associated with the Play, The Holy Land and normal daily maintenance duties. Once again endurance, proper nutrition and hydration are crucial and things I learned from bicycle training and racing. Who would have imagined that all those hours on the bike, in all types of weather conditions, would prove so valuable once again? Could I have orchestrated or anticipated all these situations and how one would relate to the next? I couldn't, but God could........and did.
Thank You, Lord, for fitting the pieces together and for being with us in every moment of this journey. A purpose for everything and everything for a purpose....... bringing glory to You. Thank You, Lord.

physical and

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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

July 15, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. When It Rains It Pours

As we maneuver our way through the Covid-19 events and it's apparent return in intensity, it seems that there are a rash of other obstacles to be overcome. Not only are we in a Presidential election year, but we are reviving many of the racial tensions of the past, sports teams are being harassed again about their team names and are being pressured to come up with less " demeaning" monikers, all the "minorities" are reviving their press for "equal" privileges and our history is about to be "sanitized" by removing the monuments and symbols which were a part of our past, but now must "disappear".
In addition we have friends, family and co-workers facing health issues, surgeries, accidents, violent incidents, financial issues, severe weather, and what seems like more problems than normal. Some people think it's God giving us a wake-up call, others credit satan with renewed attacks on "the faithful, but as a former pastor of ours' used to say, it's just "life doing its thing". We need to stay the course, face each situation head on, pray for God's presence and support in the storm and look to the future with hope and the good things to come.
No one promised us an easy path, and for many of us it has not been easy. But God is still on His throne, in control and not surprised by anything which is going on. The best is yet to come. Believe it............and thank advance....... for it.

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Sunday, July 12, 2020

July 12, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Who Do You Trust?

Not the Johnny Carson game show of the late 50's and early 60's, which I don't remember ever watching. I mean who do you trust in today's political arena, health field, for economic/financial advice, religious leader, insurance products, advertising spokesman, weather forecaster or any other area where someone professes to know more than you and seeks your allegiance, financial support, loyalty or endorsement?
For whatever reason, I am reluctant to "hitch my wagon" to anyone, and especially in this time of uncertainty, political and social unrest and TMI coming from our news sources and social media, I have become very cautious of what I listen to, who I believe and what I do with my time, my money and the people I spend my time with. I have always been wary of those who talk more than they listen, and those who have "been there, done that" although my closest friends (who I have only a few), all have "been there and done that" and they do tend to talk more than they listen.
Who do I trust? I trust The God I have dedicated my past 21 years to and who believed in me from the day I was born over 74 years ago; I trust Karen, my wife of 46 years and I trust that however we come through this current health/economic dilemma we will have the best still to come, beyond anything we could dream or imagine. Thank You, Lord, for giving us hope now and a certain future. Yes..............Thank You, Lord.

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Thursday, July 9, 2020

July 9, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Sabbath Rest

The Bible talks a great deal about times when we are supposed to rest. Even God who created everything in six days, rested on the seventh and called us to do the same. It's not a simple or easy declaration or command to implement because I don't really believe God rested, ever stopped creating or has ever taken a break from His work of directing His creation on the path, and in the direction He wants us to go.
That being said, Karen and I are in our seventh (Sabbath)year volunteering at The Great Passion Play and it has not been, or looks to be a rest year from the work of telling the world the story of Jesus Christ and His last week of earthly ministry. This has been a doozie of a year and with four months still to go, it would appear to be a year when rest is going to be a scarce commodity for those of us committed to serving here in Eureka Springs. Of course, the Covid-19 situation is unprecedented and with less people doing the work, it has been tough, to say the least. Our attendance is down, our resources less than ideal, the uncertainty of governmental directives, the stress of masks and social distancing, concern for the health and welfare of staff, cast, visitors from all over the place and the hot and humid conditions have made it tough and stressful for all of us. Rest doesn't appear to be part of the agenda and yet, without it, we are wearing down and praying for wise decisions, reliable information and cool heads to prevail. We will press on, trust that God is in complete control and will see us through, to do it all again in the days, months and years to come, until He Comes, to take us to the eternal rest we hope for and trust will be ours when it is God's time for it.
I think I'll hit the sack a little earlier tonight. It's hard to make up for late nights and early wake-ups, but I need to start somewhere, and now is as good a time as any. Nighty night.

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Monday, July 6, 2020

July 6, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. No News Is Good News

Another expression we use often to convey the thought that when we don't hear from someone, everything is okay and we needn't be concerned. But the phrase can also be interpreted as: nothing on the news is very good and so none of what we hear is very good. To counter this impression, the news broadcast tries to report a "feel good" story as they end the broadcast to have us leave with a positive experience from the mountain of negativity which preceded it.
I don't know why, but I usually turn the news off before the last story and, therefore, have a pessimistic view of the world to end my viewing experience. The world is in sad shape. Our priorities are all out of whack and we are digging up old hurts and distorting our past to try to create a Utopia when it is impossible to do so since we have no idea what that means. We lost our only Utopia when Adam and Eve decided that the one tree they were told not to touch became the only tree that they wanted.
There is an solution, but the world doesn't really want to believe it and those of us who do believe in the solution are about to lose our right to meet together, to tell others about it and make the feel good story the Good News which will return us to the "pre-Apple Garden" which God has prepared for us.
Almost like a parable. "He who has ears to hear, let him hear". It's up to us.

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Friday, July 3, 2020

July 3, 2020. Eureka Springs, AR. Whatever It Takes

Sometimes our plans go awry, the best laid plans of mice and men fall apart under the weight of reality; be flexible and spontaneous when the door we think is the right one doesn't open or isn't even there. There is a reason why things are as they are and not as we want them to be. God's plan is not ours, unless we drop ours and adopt His, and then we see the foolishness of trying to go it alone, without Him.
Life is a roller coaster and God is the architect of the whole "amusement park". He is The Question and The Answer. He Is The Creator, The Organizer and The Solution. He Is Everything and.......whatever it takes, WHATEVER IT TAKES.......we are to drop what we have and pick up what He gives us and give it our all, so that His Will, not ours, Be Done. Let's renew our efforts to do It right, and feel the joy it gives us, and HIM.
Thank You, Lord

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