Miles -what it means


Hand of GOD
"Hand of GOD"                                                                                                                                                  

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28. 2014. Eureka Springs, AR. Where do we go from here?

It gets really hot, humid and rain-challenged in Arkansas during August, so the performance schedule goes from four a week to three and then two per week until September and October when we complete the season with three performance days per week. A number of volunteers who left for other obligations will be coming back to help close out the season and work on projects for the 2015 opening. We've all worked hard at the tasks we have been given and feel that the Passion Play is going to finish 2014 strong. With proper planning, coordination of effort between the employees and volunteers and some modifications to the script and a more focused marketing plan, promotions and advertising, the prospects for 2015 looks bright and optimistic.
A number of the volunteers were informally talking about our plans for November and beyond. While we didn't come to any firm decisions, we did agree that it would be nice to stay together, find some places we could "vacation" and also be able to help a ministry, church, outreach or other service project and use our talents and what we have learned here to help do God's work in other places. Karen and I have been apart for the past month and she is planning on heading back to Arkansas later this week, so we need time to review all that has happened since June 25th and make arrangements for some needed repairs to the motor home and then decide what's next. We are so fortunate to be able to live this way and while I miss some of my Colorado routine, I have really enjoyed and thrived in the past 4months on the road and 3 months here in Eureka Springs. I would not have imagined how blessed I feel for the experiences we have had. God had a plan we could not have envisioned and provision we can thank no one else but Him for. The cloud and the pillar of fire still rest on us here and where we go from here is for God to reveal and for us to obey. Thank You, Lord.

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Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25, 2014. Eureka Springs, AR. Bless The Lord, Oh My Soul

A lot of things happened yesterday that were not planned and put a serious crimp in not only the events of the day, but altered what we thought would be the agenda for today. In an instant, or rather a series of instants, life changed. Scripture is replete with verses which speak to making plans, looking too far ahead, worrying about the future, bemoaning the unexpected, getting ahead of God, relying too much on our own strength, not trusting God. In every such verse, the lesson is the same: God is God, and we are not. Accept what comes and press on. He has it all under control.
The Streams in the Desert devotional today cites John 13:7 where Jesus tells Peter that he may not understand why He is washing Peter's feet, but will someday. In similar fashion we don't fully understand why the water pipe sprung a leak and required 6 people a full day to repair, the air brakes on the Holy Land bus failed, the maintenance pickup slipped into neutral, rolled down the hill into a tree, a brief, but intense 70 mile per hour wind, knocked over trees and caused other minor property damage, and the list goes on. Today we have pre-sales which indicate it will be our busiest day and largest Play audience, yet we are facing issues which will make our day a test of our resources and our patience, plus it is going to be in the mid 90's with high humidity. We don't understand.
The words of the song, "Bless The Lord, Oh My Soul" is my prayer: "The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning, it's time to sing Your song again, whatever may pass and whatever lies before me, let me be singing when the evening comes.......worship His Holy Name......"
Look up all the words when you have a few minutes, and let it be your prayer for today, and every day.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

How hot is it...........?

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July 22, 2014. Eureka Springs, AR. How hot is it.........?

It's only 91 degrees, but it feels like 103 according to the weather people. When you are involved with outdoor activities on days like this, it's important to stay hydrated, seek shade and limit the physical activity. For better or worse, the Holy Land Tour here at The Great Passion Play involves a certain amount of walking, with limited areas of shade and while there are water stations most people don't drink enough in such conditions. Even our presenters and drivers don't always follow the basic "rules" and we all face the possibility of heat-related problems. I have retired to the comfort of our motor home and the air-conditioning, but there are still a bunch of people still in "the fire". I pray for their well-being . We will be having this weather
for the rest of the week, so suck it up everyone and be weather wise.
As for my chigger war, I've had a few good days. Between the 9 old remedies and a few added ones suggested to me (rubbing alcohol, clear nail polish, Cetaphil, Deep Woods Off on the ankles, Clean and Clear foaming facial cleaner and new underwear), I have turned the tide and am scratching less and feeling comfortable more. I haven't claimed victory yet, but the score has tightened up considerably. Thank You, Lord.
Enough for now. I've already dozed off once and the iPad is acting funny. Must be the heat. See you again, soon.
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Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 19, 2014. Eureka Springs, AR. Chiggers 1, Hal 0

We have had a gorgeous week here at TGPP. The weather has been unseasonably cool and the humidity has been Colorado-ish. We were threatened with a blast of rain Thursday, but it stood still to our west and then divided and went around us with little more than a sprinkle as the Play ended. We have been blessed. But in one area I have come out on the short end of the scoreboard: Chiggers.
I've blogged a few times about the critters we have encountered on our journey, but for the moment the chiggers have the upper hand and I am doing everything in my power to even the score and eventually claim victory. I woke the other morning to a horrendous sight in an area that even a Speedo could not cover (NO picture with this post). The number of bites was astronomical. The few remedies I had on hand were no match for the itch and it became necessary to bombard the internet and the pharmacy for assistance. I even prayed while being healed of leprosy in the Play last night that Jesus would extended the healing to the chigger bites, but it didn't work.
My allies right now are Calamine Lotion, Epsom Salts, Dermoplast, Lotrimin, Hydrocortisone, Triple Antibiotic, Chiggerex 2X power, Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Body Powder, Oatmeal Soap, and prayers for will power and self-control. I'm going to trim my nails and run around the motor home with a minimum of garments below the waist. I'm not too concerned about drug interactions at this point. Any suggestions would be appreciated and put into immediate use. This is a battle I need to win, and soon. We are expecting temperatures in the mid-to-high 90's next week and that will require an itch-free environment. We all have questions we hope to get answers to in Heaven............Chiggers? Why, Lord?

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014


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July 16, 2014. Eureka Springs, AR. The News

I don't watch much television any more. We only have five or six channels to choose from and to be honest, there isn't much to get excited about on them. But we do get two national network news broadcasts and most evenings at 5:30, I opt for one or the other, usually NBC. Tonight I watched the News and soon realized that all the stories were about horrible things happening in our world: war in the Middle East, samples of deadly bacteria and disease strains being poorly monitored, drought and water shortages in California, the rising cost of chocolate, airline mishaps, severe weather and lightening deaths, a drug used by heart patients to lower cholesterol which is now deemed to be inefficient, a report on the movie Jaws and how it has unreasonably kept people from swimming in the ocean for years, a state Governor's testing the waters of Presidential politics when he already has an image problem in his own state. Even the commercials were depressing with all the medicines and their endless list of side effects and warnings. Only the hope of $5000 a month for life and the life of someone of my choosing after I am dead, boosted my morale for 15 seconds until it dawned on me that my "heir" might want me gone sooner than later to reap the benefits of his legacy.
The news is over now, and there isn't much I really care to watch on NBC or CBS or PBS or the two cooking channels or the Arkansas channel which reads to the blind. It's nice to be here in northwest Arkansas listening to the chirping of some birds or crickets, to enjoy a quiet evening after a cooler than normal day and 52 degrees at dawn. I think I'll go for a walk or take one of the golf carts and visit my animal friends at the barn, take a picture of the Christ of The Ozarks Statue and watch the sunset a little later. By the way, I'll skip the 10 o'clock news. I've already heard the news from Razorback Nation about the U of Arkansas' winless football season last year and the prospects for an equally gloomy season this year. How much more bad news do we need. Tomorrow we welcome visitors again to the Passion Play and our ministry of proclaiming The Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That's the news we all need and can rest on for what's left of this life and the promised one to come. Thank You Lord. How Great Thou Art.

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13, 2014. Eureka Springs, AR. Life goes on......

Every day brings new opportunities and challenges. Some activities are the same day after day without variation or deviation from a set pattern. These activities may be called mundane, repetitious, predictable, even boring. But they must be done or there will be trouble far more serious later on. Other activities vary every time they pop up. There are different people involved, a time schedule which is never the same and we must think before we act or not act and then say the right words or we may not act properly or effectively. Life has its predictable elements, but also it's twists and turns. In all this time goes on without pause.
As I mentioned previously, Karen went back to Colorado for some medical appointments and tests and has been beset by a host of unexpected events which have made her time in Fort Collins anything but routine. In the space of less than three weeks she has had multiple medical appointments and tests with more still to come this week. She has sold a car, bought another, arranged to have our hail damaged roof replaced, gutters repaired, a broken window and screen fixed, coordinated a fence replacement with our neighbor, overseen the repair of a severed broadband internet cable and reestablish our internet service, bought a new refrigerator when the repair on the old one did not "take", talked with all the required insurance, licensing and warranty people about proper procedures for covering and transferring coverage for all the new stuff and canceling the old coverages. She has been dog sitting, visiting our friends and talking with people about replacing damaged or dying trees, bushes and assorted other home details. She is also getting things together which she will bring back with her when she drives back here to Arkansas. I'm tired just writing about what she has been doing and I'm sure I've left out a few things. She has been a real trooper and I am grateful for her ability to handle all these things and discuss them with me so we can figure what to do now, what to do later, what not to do, and how to pay for it.
I've had my share of "life goes on" activities, some of which I've blogged about, but mine have been more in the mundane, repetitious, predictable, etc category. I think I got the easier end of the load and am eagerly looking forward to Karen's return to be able to enjoy life in the slow lane again. Thanks, Hon, for your "service". You are greatly loved, appreciated and missed.
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Thursday, July 10, 2014


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July 10, 2014. Eureka Springs, AR. Hats

All of us wear a variety of hats in our daily activities and while it may not be an actual hat, cap or head covering, it is a means by which others can get an idea of what is important to us or how we want people to get an idea of who we are and what we stand for. On our journey since December, Karen and I have viewed our time as totally at the disposal and in the hands of Jesus. Here at TGPP I have a work hat which cites Revelation 22, and identifies me as a "River of Life Outfitter, Made for Eternity." When I transport customers on Play days, I wear my Great Passion Play logo hat, and in the evening I wear a costume hat which represents the characterI I am asked to play. When we go into the community, I wear my Vietnam Veteran hat, in every situation I am questioned about my "hat" and the conversations are always different and revealing.
As Christ followers we must realize and accept the fact that everything we say or do has an impact on others. The book of James is full of words which tell us how to act, how to react and how to be true to the belief and faith we have in Jesus Christ. Like so any other Scriptural directives, we see how tough it is to be a genuine, humble, sincere and non-hypocritical Christian. When we put on the "hat" be sure we know what it "says" and that we are honest in acting in accordance with it. We bear a big responsibility. We're more than a fan of our favorite sports team or telling people where we spent our last vacation. We are an advertisement for what we stand for, Who we stand for and what we hope others will want to join us in.
Thank You, Lord, for accepting me into your family, allowing me to serve You in a multitude of ways and hopefully be an honest and sincere messenger of Your Word and Your presence in and through me. May I be true to the hats You have asked me to wear.

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Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6, 2014. Eureka Springs, AR. Stuff Happens

Life is a series of unplanned events in random order with only God knowing the events and when they will happen. Most of the time He doesn't let us know what to expect, but assures us
that He will help us navigate thru them and come out the other side, hopefully in one piece and better for the experience. Our time at the Passion Play has not been an exception, but a confirmation that "stuff happens", but God is in control.
We just completed a stretch of 11 performance days in 14 days. With the 4th of July being part of that period, we were short handed as people had vacations scheduled and there were an unusually large number of incidents which depleted our supply of available people as well. The animals were less than cooperative a number of times and people were asked to step into roles they had not performed before. Last night's Play might have been more aptly called "A Comedy Of Errors", but we made it thru, the audience was appreciative and probably didn't even realize that Jesus got caught in the trees during the Ascension, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus didn't come to the Cross and there was no shroud to carry Jesus from the Cross to the Tomb. The donkey false-started into Jerusalem with Jesus making a belated "rider up" to keep the scene authentic. One of our camels ended a very cantankerous week with a final hissy fit and some anxious moments for the handler and his young helper. No injuries, but a healthy respect for the camel and his ability to kick with each leg in four directions. There were also a number of accidents, unexpected illnesses, car problems, financial difficulties, broken equipment, lost or misplaced items and behavior issues with some of the young and not-so-young cast members and special requests from some of our customers with physical limitations.
All in all it was a typical week in a small community with all-too-human residents. But we made in thru, with God's help and grace. Today we rest and tomorrow the "work week" begins again. We pray for healing and forgiveness for what happened and for protection, patience and even-temper for what lies ahead, including the return to very hot and very humid conditions. Assuredly, stuff happens, but more assuredly God is in control. AMEN and AMEN.
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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Comfortable "serving" as Philip in TGPP

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July 3, 2014. Eureka Springs, AR. The customer is always right...........

In the mid-80's, after my brief bicycle racing career, Karen and I became part owners of a bicycle shop in Lakewood, Colorado. It turned out to be a bad experience, a financial disaster and something I realized I was not cut out to do. In so many areas of ownership and customer service I had no background, no patience and no aptitude. When a stubborn and obnoxious customer once told me that "the customer is always right" my tactless response to him was "yes, except when the customer is wrong". I couldn't get out of that business quick enough and have never had the slightest inclination to own another business again. Customer service is a talent which is inborn in some and foreign to others.
I never imagined that after that experience, and becoming a Christian in 1999, that God would put me in areas of ministry which would deal with peoples' problems, hurts and needs and that I would be in the volunteer work I am here at The Great Passion Play dealing with customer service and seeing that people are getting value for what they spend their entertainment dollars on. Karen is a natural at this type of service and always has been, but I am definitely out of my comfort zone. Every day is a challenge. Every day is an opportunity to grow in my faith, my tolerance for "wrong" customers and to be a witness to what I have been blessed with by a faithful, tolerant and giving Lord. The song which just played on the Gospel Station Network being broadcast in the main area of TGPP was "I'm glad God is in Control", and I can't think of a better way to wrap up this post. Thank You, Lord for allowing me to minister in areas that are not of my choosing and being the most understanding boss I could ever want. How Great Thou Art.

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