Miles -what it means


Hand of GOD
"Hand of GOD"                                                                                                                                                  

Monday, November 30, 2020

November 30, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. A World Turned Upside Down

Does anything happening these days make any sense at all? We are being bombarded by all kinds of claims, counterclaims, accusations made and denied, promises made and promises rescinded, facts and fiction. It is too much to absorb. The Native Americans have succeeded is having the Redskins become the Football Team and Black Friday (which is now a month long Friday) has not been objected to by the Blacks, blacks, or African Americans.
Then there is Small Business Saturday, Buy Nothing Day, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday (donations to charity), and the Covid vaccine which was not supposed to be ready until next year which is ready any day now, but doesn't have the low temperature delivery system in place to get it to anyplace but the large cities where most of the winning Presidential candidate's supporters live.
And what about President Trump having almost two months to "executive order" all kinds of things which President-elect Biden will "executive order" away on the first day he becomes President Biden. On the second day he plans to undo everything that was done in the past four years. Sounds like one step forward and two steps back or "it's my ball so I'll make the rules". There seem to be more people needing food and charities are being swamped with requests but face a lack of supplies and money. Yet the Christmas sales numbers are thru the roof and the Dow Jones has never been higher.
I am totally baffled by what I hear on the mainstream news and how it comes through the vetting process of Christian talk radio. Are they even talking about the same thing? Our world is topsy turvy and we are not even a month into the transition period; and who are these people who are being named to be our national leaders. I wonder if there are going to be any "white males" other than Joe, in positions of leadership. And is John Kerry really back in the news along with the First Cat? Are Oprah, Michelle and Hillary far behind?
Much more to follow......I can hardly wait.

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Friday, November 27, 2020

November 27, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. New Tricks

I wrote a while back about how it was always hard for me, as I got older, to try to learn a new skill or tackle a problem when I had no past experience with that problem. For some reason, I have a different attitude now. I look forward to trying to find a way to resolve the issue without looking for help. I'm finding that there are many helps for the DIY'er on Google, You Tube or a number of other internet resources. In many cases the cure is not all that difficult and with a hardware store within two miles, there are resources at my disposal once a I know what I actually need.
That doesn't mean I am ready to tackle vehicle repairs or put a new roof on the cabin or try to tackle the plumbing or electrical issues which we have, but there are tasks which I can undertake and there is a degree of satisfaction, even fun, in "fixing it myself". I have come a long way over the past seven years with the RV, the past six months in the cabin, working with Marvin, Hugh and Brian in Georgia, coworkers like James, Jerry, Joe and Kent and a host of other volunteers at the Passion Play who have taught me skills and the confidence to use them.
New tricks for a getting-older dog. That's what it has become and I have overcome some of the fear which for years kept me from trying to do anything more than look in the phone book for a "professional" to fix the problem. We do have a list of such people, and we are thankful for them. But, a lot of things are not "rocket science" and part of getting along is to understand when something is a "mountain" and when it is a "mole hole" and acting accordingly. Thank You,Lord, for helping me navigate the difference and being with me when I do put my toes into the "Jordan".

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

November 24, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Ready, Get Set........

Things are falling into place for my shoulder to be repaired. When I hurt my shoulder last year, I did not want to undergo surgery and the rehab program, so I went through some physical therapy and endured the pain and several "reinjuries". But now I am of the mind, to get in shape to have it repaired.
With my "diet of the past three months, my bloodwork looked better. I met the VA Orthopedic Doctor, had xrays, got my Flu Shot, will have a new MRI, see the surgeon and visit my Primary Care Doctor by phone and all should be completed by December 10. If all thumbs are up, I hope to have a surgery date set and with my exercise program at the local fitness center going well, I should be ready for rehab and return to "feeling strong, Don Pardo".
It's good to look ahead, although not too far ahead, because there are no guarantees of what even the next minute will bring our way. I think of the Parable of the Rich Fool related in Chapter 12 of Luke's Gospel and God's response to the big barn plans of the farmer, or the plans of the man in James, chapter 4, to go somewhere and do some business of his own choosing. God reigned them both in, telling them to be in the will of God when we look to the future. In everything, get ready, get set.......but let the GO, and the timing of it, be GOD's decision. Wait, patiently wait; trust, hopefully trust; rest, peacefully rest. LORD.......YOUR WILL BE DONE.

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Saturday, November 21, 2020

November 21, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. For a Donation of Only.........

Stop !! I don't want to hear any more. It's that time of the year when everyone is on the prowl for funds to end the year on a "high note" and needing funds to expand operations for the coming year when new projects are on the table and more people must be reached. Matching funds are set to run out "in a few days" and we are being stroked about how important we are to the success of THEIR organization or ministry effort.
I've always been a proponent of giving to organizations which help with medical, poverty, disaster or humanitarian issues and will not hound me to give more or more often. I do not want to get "thank you" calls or "cold" calls for Eugenia or from people who can't pronounce my name and won't stop talking when I say NO. I can't listen to Christian Radio because everyone is selling a new book, promoting a new DVD or a new bible study system " for a donation of only.......". Unfortunately, we volunteer for a ministry which is very much in line with all the others who need money and are not bashful about asking for it. I donate to this ministry by designating money for use on a specific project only, and not for any general fund, retire the debt fund or have my money " matched" fund. I am not the most popular person with the Great Passion Play's hierarchy, but we didn't come here seven years ago to serve them, we came to serve GOD, and that's what we do.
I probably said too much. But.........what else is new? Thank You, Lord.......for Free Will.......and, above all, Your Will Be Done.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November 18, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. My Get Up and Go, Got Up and Went

Boy, did I hit the wall this afternoon. I have been on leaf patrol at the cabin the past few weeks and yesterday I really got at it. I also decided to make a "border" for the driveway into our property and dragged some 4 or 5 inch downed trees out of the woods for that purpose. I needed quite a few trees and by the time I finished with the leaf raking and burning I was happy with the results of my effort, but must have "overdone" it.
Today, I started out strong, but after doing some Passion Play chores and raking and burning leaves in The Holy Land, I realized that I was worn out, and decided to go back to the cabin......accepting the fact that this soon-to-be 75 year old body isn't what it used to be. The fact that I have a bad rotator cuff, in need of repair, plays into this picture in a big way. I know I need to scale back on my activity, but can't put it into practice. Type-A people are like that. After a shower, supper, and a long email to a former high school classmate, I feel better and glad for the prop-up adjustable bed I have been propped up on for more than an hour. In a few hours, I'll be back in a less propped up adjustable bed,hoping for a good night's rest.....and no leg cramps. Oh the joys of the (g)olden years.

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

November 15, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Outdoor Bears

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November 15, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Indoor Bears

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November 15, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Animal Farm

When we moved into our cabin in June we knew we would be liable to encounter a host of animals and need to have a plan to keep them from taking control of our home. Joan brought us Miss Hissy and her three kittens, but the little ones are all gone and just Miss Hissy remains. In the meantime, we have "adopted" two other cats who it turns out are our half-mile-away neighbor's outdoor cats. Mass and Parrot have come to partake of Miss Hissy's breakfast and dinner and while Parrot has decided to go home, Mass has not, and enjoys being petted and wants to come inside. 

Penny, our neighbor, thought Mass had disappeared, and was glad to hear that he was well, and well-fed, but wants him back to be a pal to Parrot and her two dogs Cooper and Leo. Plus, she misses her guard cat. We have decided to limit Mass, who we had named Rascal, from eating Miss Hissy's food and I will have a sit-down with him to encourage him to return to his family who misses him dearly.
Our squirrels which like the bird feeder may have been the cause of "rodent damage" to Jinny's car, to the tune of $3600. Our lawn has been target of either moles or armadillos and the hunters have begun roaming our adjoining property on weekends to clear our the hogs and thin the deer population. Taking the cat food in at dusk has kept the raccoons away, but we think they still prowl because we hear some to-dos at night. Our fish seem happy and with the cooler water temperatures they don't need to be fed as often. We are getting a lot of birds at the feeder once we shoo the squirrels away and at this point we have no plans for dogs, geese, chickens, or bringing Abraham, the donkey from the Passion Play, to live with us.
We did get used to the Passion Play "cast" animals and the petting zoo animals, including Indy, the pig, and see them when we work at the PP, but it's different when you are in the "wild" and share your space with them and they get to share their space with us. No telling what we are liable to encounter. We do have a host of indoor and outdoor bears, but that's another story. Pictures will have to do for now.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

November 12, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. What Are The Odds?

Life is not always what we expect it to be. Early in life we set goals for "What we want to be when we grow up". Some people set their goals high, and realize fairly soon that they are not going to have a snowball's chance of achieving them....and lower their target to something more realistic. Others keep trying and face failure again and again and then give up. Others actually do reach that goal and "beat the odds".
To be a professional athlete. To be a billionaire by age 50. To be a movie star. To be President of The United States. To dream the impossible dream is what every every one of us has fallen prey to at one time or another. The odds are not in our favor to be a pro athlete, a billionaire, s Broadway Star, or the President. People do reach these goals, but when we hear one who has say, "if I can do it, you can do it, too" it usually is a recipe for disappointment for the aspiring wannabe.
Get a good education, learn a skill and get good at it, watch what you get "addicted" to, be respectful to those in positions of authority, choose your friends wisely, keep your emotions in check, always tell the truth, stay out of jail. If you can achieve these, the odds for a successful and useful life are a definite possibility and always know that with God in your corner, the odds go up exponentially. Give Him the praise and He will give you the desires of your heart, peace, joy, contentment and a whole lot more.

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Monday, November 9, 2020

November 9, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Thank You, Donald Trump

I don't know how you were able to endure the unparalleled abuse thrown at you over the past four years. Before you were even sworn into office, there was a concerted effort by your "enemies" who were sworn to seeing you fail and be removed from that office. Between the Democrats, the mainstream media, and some within your own party, it was a war from start to finish. Yet, finish you did and in the process you accomplished a lot. Your appointments to the federal courts will have tremendous impact for years to come. There were many other great accomplishments.
The whole 2020 landscape with the politics, pandemic, immigration, racial tensions, economics, weather and wild fires was unprecedented and it is amazing that we as a country and you as our leader have come through it. We still face a lot of hard decisions and probably a lot of contention within our nation. I pray that there will be wise decisions made, not short-term "band-aid" "sound-bite" fixes. We are in for a rough ride. And I pray also for your final two months in office; that you will make wise decisions to make the transition smooth and amiable; that you will help those of us who wanted you to continue in office for another term accept that we will need to stand up for our rights, pick our battles well and not be angry or act toward "them" as they acted toward you.
I know you will rise to fight again and in that fight, may we all be determined to Make America Great Again. Thank you, Mr President. May God bless you and may God bless America. In reality, it is God who has the ultimate plan for us and our future. Thank You, Lord.

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Friday, November 6, 2020

November 6, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Who Won?

Right now there is no winner in the 2020 Presidential election. And the winner is certainly not the American people. While there is the ongoing debate over the electoral college tally versus the popular vote tally, and the expansion of absentee ballots, mail-in ballots and provisional ballots and the different systems of machines, paper ballots and voter registration rules and eligibility requirements administered by each individual state, it makes it very difficult to understand how the election system works at all.
The United States map with its red and blue counties, urban vs rural divisions and pre-vote surveys vs exit polls looks more like a "bloods versus crips" gang war than a country with a Constitutional form of government. We are far from a "United" States of America, but as bad as it may seem, I wouldn't even think of wanting to live in any other country.
With all the turmoil over this election, it looks like the House will remain Democratic and the Senate.......well, it too is still up for grabs. I pray that regardless of who eventually "wins", that we can somehow learn to get along, be calm in the face of confrontation and that we find peaceful ways to resolve our differences without resorting to violence, contentious law suits and wasting any more money beyond the estimated $14 Billion already spent on this year's fiasco. Even if we had that money back, I wonder if we could ever agree on where we should have spent it to do the most good for the most people. God help us. GOD......HELP.....US.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

November 3, 2020. Holiday Island, AR. Election Day

Even though Karen and I voted last week and Jinny voted by absentee ballot, today is officially Election Day. While a lot of people were concerned about how Covid would affect the actual voting process and others were fearful of the mail-in efficiency, we didn't want to wait until the last minute and face long lines or machine issues. But our votes are in and the whole election situation is one which will have a major impact on our country and how we go forward from here. Many people are still standing on line, and many of the results will not be known for hours.....or days.
As with past elections, the ads have been confusing, negative, and a waste of a lot of money; and depending on which news you listen to I'm not sure that the "other" candidate should not already be in jail or in a mental institution. Our future is at stake and regardless of the outcome, a lot of people are going to be upset and some violently upset. The police, lawyers, unsuccessful candidates, political pundits, critics and the public at large seem to "ready for a fight" and expecting anything from an internet meltdown or a cyber-attack to a nuclear war as a reaction to the outcome of all the local, state and federal contests.
We need to pray for peace and calm to prevail, for winners to be humble in victory and losers to be gracious in defeat; for all of us to find ways to come together for the good of our country and the welfare of every citizen. God, help us to accept what happens, knowing that You have it all figured out and are in control of EVERYTHING. You weren't on the ballot in any precinct or district........but You definitely have my vote.