Miles -what it means


Hand of GOD
"Hand of GOD"                                                                                                                                                  

Friday, September 29, 2017

September 29, 2017. Eureka Springs, AR. The Fortune Cookie

Yesterday I had a medical appointment in Rogers, so Karen and I headed to the "metroplex" of NW Arkansas (Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Fayetteville and the other infill towns of the area). Each city/town has a unique character and a different route from Eureka Springs and we try to accomplish as much as we can without getting involved in the intricacies of the Interstate or the other north-south streets. So Rogers was our destination and where we did our appointment, our shopping and our eating, all within a few blocks of each other.
We have a favorite oriental restaurant we visit when in Rogers, and that was our lunch destination. I was disappointed in the food quality and the apparent higher price, but ate my fill and had a few scoops of ice cream, which can cover a multitude of "sins" while itself being a personal sin of mine. When the fortune cookie came with the check, we had a good laugh because of the "truth" conveyed therein. It read "Impatience may be appropriate at this time".
Yes, it was appropriate, and another evidence of God's sense of humor in a less than ideal situation. Thank You, Lord.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September 26, 2017. Eureka Springs, AR. Stand Firm To The End

The News has not been very encouraging the past week. We are hearing about wars and rumors of war, earthquakes, famines, floods, fires, political acrimony in Congress, political acrimony within the Republican Party, health care uncertainty, arrests of wheelchair bound people with pre-existing medical conditions, attacks on our churches and attacks within our churches and (horror of horrors) our professional football players at odds with the President.
Matthew 24 warns of many of these as the beginning of birth pains, but these conditions have always been part of our history since Jesus warned his disciples they would occur. No age has been immune from these conditions. There have always been naysayers, skeptics, cynics, squeaky wheels, activists, agitators, rabble rousers, foolish "virgins" without oil, and doom-and-gloomiest, and those who predict the end of the world as we know it. In 2017 we are still here and while the voices are different, the debate is still the same. We can worry ourselves to death or we can stand firm and face our inevitable death with faith, hope and trust in the promises of God; keep preaching the Gospel; stand firm in the faith; face the future with optimism and rest in The Lord. Don't fall prey to the false prophets.
Stand firm in The Lord, brothers and sisters, stand firm to the end.

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Saturday, September 23, 2017

September 23, 2017. Eureka Springs, AR. Second Summer

With only 18 performance days left in the Passion Play season, it's time to start thinking of all the things we need to finish here in Arkansas and think about our winter plans in Colorado and "wherever". As we have experienced before, there is no way to really predict the weather more than a week or two in advance. While we did have a mild, fall-like month of August and early September, the past few weeks have been hot and muggy with feel-like temperatures of 100 and above. The chiggers seem to have a new hold on those susceptible to them and there have been mosquitos and spiders in greater size and numbers.
Our plans for November call for a return to Colorado to take care of licensing, inspection and other basic vehicle and personal necessities. It will also be good to see friends and family we have been away from for most of the past four years. Weather will be a major determinant of when we go and how long we stay. A couple from the Passion Play just returned from a motorcycle trip which involved a ride over Elk Mountain, Wyoming and something like seven inches of snow. That's not too far from Fort Collins and only a few thousand feet higher in elevation, so we need to be aware of what the weather prospects are for early November.
But, for now, we are basking in 84 degrees at 11:30am (feels like 99) with a high of 88 (feels like 101) later today and the prospect for much of the same until Wednesday when we are expecting 70's during the day and high 40's at night. July has returned to NW Arkansas. Not much we can do, but take it "one day at a time" make use of the air conditioning and heaters, as needed, do the tasks assigned, and plan for the contingencies of tomorrow and beyond. In all of it, we know God has it all figured out for our good and His glory. Thank You, Lord

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Christ of the Ozarks

       A few weeks ago the New York Times named The Christ of the Ozark statue, on the grounds of The Great Passion Play, the fourth most popular statue in the United States.  Quite an honor considering only The Lincoln Memorial, Mount Rushmore and The Statue of Liberty rank above it.  Everyone who visits the statue rides or walks past our motor home, travelling about  a quarter mile from us to Jesus.  While the statue is the tallest Christ figure in North America, it pales in comparison to the size of our Lord and the impact He has on our lives and the lives of those who call Him their Lord and Savior.   Thank You, Jesus.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 17, 2017. Eureka Springs, AR. Playing Hurt

In athletics, as in life, there are times when we are at less than full strength. We are unable to give 100% to our "job". We may be placed on injured reserve, put on the disabled list, asked to sit on the bench, sent down to the minors for rehab, listed as day-to-day, unable to perform, limited participation, questionable, probable or any number of other degrees of partial duty. But sometimes we have to make a choice - play hurt or take ourself out of the game.
Since my run-in with the pea gravel bucket two-and-half weeks ago, I have seen three doctors, had multiple "opinions", tired a wide range of medical, homeopathic and prayerful remedies and have stepped back from many of my duties here at TGPP. With limited workers, there are some things I still have to do, but in other areas there are others who can step in and give me more time to "put my leg up". In some cases, it is a chance for them to get a leg up on a new role or job and bring a fresh look to what may have become stale or predictable when I was doing it.
In ministry it's important to do what we are called to do, but we are also called to train up others to take our place, use a gift or talent they may not have known they had, and be prepared should we end up on the wrong side of a pea gravel bucket. We all have to play hurt at times, but God may have something else in mind for us up the road, and needs us to "live to fight another day".
If you have access to the Streams In The Desert devotional, read the entry for yesterday, September 16 about hiding in the Kerith Ravine (1 Kings 17:3). When I read it yesterday morning, it spoke to me in answer to my prayer for guidance and comfort through this injury and my attitude toward it. The right Word at the right time. Thank You, Lord.
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Thursday, September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017. Eureka Springs, AR. In Bewteen

> As Hurricane Harvey pounded Texas and impacted friends of ours there, we were also watching Hurricane Irma as it approached Florida. We have quite a few friends, family of friends and our own family in several locations around Florida and Georgia who would be affected by the high winds and torrential rain predicted. We watched the television coverage of both storms as we "sat" in between them and had not a drop of rain, no wind and only one day of cloudiness from the remnants of Irma, and that day was the most pleasant of the whole period
Karen kept in close contact with a bunch of friends and family and all fared pretty well through the storms. We understand how traumatic weather damage can be having been in a tornado in Branson, MO, helped friends recover from a tornado in Windsor, CO, had a house damaged by a flood, another damaged in a hail storm and I was impacted by several hurricanes while I was growing up and another when I was studying for the Bar Exam in 1972 in Richmond, VA. Our forecasters predicted possible impact for us from both storms, but we escaped.
It's a blessing to be in between although I understand Between was impacted by Irma. Confused? Between is a city in Georgia, halfway between Atlanta and Athens and has a population of less than 300. Irma did impact Between between it's landfall in Florida and petering out in Kentucky and Tennessee. Our winter home for the past three years, Madison,Georgia (30 miles southeast of Between), had rain and high winds and there has been loss of power for much of Morgan County persisting to the present time.
Our prayers go out to all those affected by the Hurricanes, for a return to normal, although for many that may take a long time or even a change of residence and a new start. In between, we know that God will see everyone through the storms to a brighter today and an even better tomorrow. Thank You, Lord.

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Monday, September 11, 2017

September 11, 2017. Eureka Springs, AR. Why?

Sixteen years ago today, we watched in horror as America faced an attack on our soil on the scale of December 7, 1941 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. On both occasions a lot of people asked "why". In the past few weeks we have been attacked by severe weather in the south and monstrous wild fires in many of our western states. Again, people are asking "why" this has happened and what could have been done to prevent or mitigate it. There was a massive earthquake in Mexico; Korea is trying to flex it's nuclear muscles in a way which has the potential to wreak havoc on a major population center of the world. Why ?
There are no simple answers. Science can't give us a satisfying explanation, government can't adequately protect us or restore us and religion doesn't give comfort to many who question why those of us who "believe" believe. Relief agencies and first responders do an amazing job in providing temporary assistance and saving lives, but too often they are not appreciated or adequately supported. Why? I don't have a good answer for that one either.
And why do bad things happen to good people and bad people profit from the misfortune of others? If you know.....let me know. But for all the questions, there may be a simple answer, many possible answers, or no answer at all and because of that we also ask "why". We pray for our friends and family, for our national and world leaders, for peace in the Middle East and around the world. And in everything we ask for God's will to be done and rest on the promises of His Word and the hope for a better Tomorrow. And yet, much of the world thinks that our prayers are a waste of time and that our faith Is nothing more than wishful thinking. How often do we hear people ask, "where was God when all these disasters were taking place, and why didn't He stop them?" Why would they think that way when so many of us have personally experienced the grace of God, been witness to God's miracles in peoples' lives and know that we know that we know?
Why do I believe?
How could I not..........and how can you not?

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Friday, September 8, 2017

September 8, 2017. Eureka Springs, AR. Funnymen

The other day Karen was watching a sit-com as she got ready for work. I was in the front room of the RV and could hear laughter from the television, but not actually hear the dialogue. It dawned on me that almost every line was followed by laughter and it occurred to me that on most sit-coms that is a common occurrence. Whether it is the humor of the remark, the facial expression or the body language, laughter is a predictable response. Is life really that funny, or are there just some very talented comedy writers?
Some sit-comes take place in very unfunny atmospheres: M.A.S.H. and Hogan's Heroes come to mind as do Night Court and Gomer Pyle as a Marine. Yet, there is humor in almost every situation and it takes a talented writer, the right collection of actors and a receptive audience to make light of serious subjects. Most stand-up comedians make light of their own short-comings, unusual physical appearance, or family problems to elicit laughs from their listeners. Dick VanDyke even posed as a comedy writer to enhance his own comedic talents.
I've always enjoyed Art Carney, Tim Conway, Robin Williams, Jonathan Winters, Johnny Carson, and a host of other funny men and if I took the time, the list would go on and on. Many of the comedians we admire have or had serious personal problems, terrible family situations or rough childhoods, but they still endeavored to make us laugh and see life differently from what it actually is for many people. Many of us think of ourselves as amateur comedians, try to look at the lighter side of the problems of the day, want to make life a little easier for those having a rough go of things.
The main thing to realize is that we serve a God who created humor, wanted us to value the less serious aspects of life, and Who Himself has a great sense of humor............just look in a mirror to realize how funny God is by recognizing the creature staring back at us.

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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 5, 2017. Eureka Springs, AR. It Will Take Some Time

Six days after my run-in with an out of control pea gravel bucket, I had to return to the hospital because of a painful, tender, swollen, multi-colored knee, leg, ankle, foot and toes. We were also concerned about possible blood clots and the need for something more powerful than basic ibuprofen and acetaminophen. After having blood drawn, an ultrasound and a hands-on examination, the verdict "hematoma of leg, right, sequela" which in English means "a right leg bruise which we've already seen you for".
The people at the hospital were very nice, treated us well and presented the VA with Hospital Charges of $2,479.00 with a medicalized list of services which in English meant blood drawn, an ultrasound and a hands-on examination. We're grateful that the VA or Medicare will negotiate with the Hospital and pay a lesser amount than the $2,479.
It will take some time for me to heal from my injury, considering that I am well down the list of patient patients or one who likes to sit and watch while others do the work. It will also take time for the bill to be resolved and our share of the amount due ( if any) as the guarantor and responsible party to be determined. Whenever I have had medical expenses outside the VA Health System, they have taken care of everything and we have not owed anything. One time, we did receive a bill from the Hospital in Fort Collins, and when I went in to pay it, the Hospital said we had a zero balance and owed them nothing. We have been well taken care of and always grateful for how we are provided for. Thank, You, Lord. You have it all figured out and under control.

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Friday, September 1, 2017

September 1, 2017. Eureka Springs, AR. Have You Fallen.......?

My medical history questionnaire answers changed this week. When I went to the podiatrist on Tuesday my answer to the "have you fallen in the past twelve months" question was "no". Within 24 hours, the answer had changed to a painful "yes". Fortunately, the 60+ pound bucket of pea gravel which landed on the inside of my right knee did nothing more than earn me a trip to the Emergency Room in Berryville, a few X-rays, no broken bones or damaged ligaments and two days of ice treatment, some painful moments yesterday as I felt like someone was trying to stab their way out of my very swollen leg and a few extra ibuprofen and acetaminophen every six hours.
Today I was able to do the In-depth Tabernacle Teaching, take a break from the Holy Land Tour and doctor my leg with a combination of ultra strength pain relieving cream and an Ortho Sport Massage Oil (compliments of Renee and Jerry) made up of Grape Seed Oil, Peppermint Oil, Oregano Oil, Elemi Gum Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Vetiver Root Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Thyme Oil and Olive Fruit Oil. A lot of people have been praying for me, as well, and while I can't tell you which of all the treatments had the best result, I do know that Prayer Works and that I am much improved from twenty-four hours ago and looking forward to limited participation in the Play this evening.
It could have been far worse, considering the weight of the object I was lifting into the bed of the pick-up and the fact that I was working by myself at the time. I wasn't "alone". Because, just as I know that Prayer Works, I know that I always have a Companion with me as I labor for (and with) Him.
Thank You, Lord for Your provision, grace, love and protection. My answer to the "have you fallen" question is different now, but I will answer it with the assurance that I definitely know Who helped me back to my feet.
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