Miles -what it means


Hand of GOD
"Hand of GOD"                                                                                                                                                  

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28, 2015. Eureka Springs, AR. A Year Ago

A year ago yesterday we came to Eureka Springs and The Great Passion Play. We didn't know what to expect and what we might be called on to do for this ministry. We sat in the amphitheater that night in frigid weather watching the dress rehearsal of the play, and last night was our first of two dress rehearsals for this year and my 78th time as a cast member. None of the volunteers we met and worked with last season, except Pop and Linda, have come back this year and where there were once 5 RV's in our little area at the end of the parking lot, we are here by ourself so far this year.
Karen and I are still working hard to prepare for opening day, but the workers are few and the tasks just as imposing, but we can only do what we can do and both of us feel a year older, a year tireder and a year more grateful for the life we have been given. The hills seem steeper, the loads a little heavier, but we will continue to labor for The Lord and His Kingdom.
We've learned a lot in the past year, met some wonderful people and been part of two very different ministries. But through it all we're glad we hit the road, even if our planned three months "out" has turned into sixteen. We plan, but the plans are subject to change, and we're okay with that. As I've written before, "home" has a new meaning for us and we're okay with that, too.
Tonight is our second, and final, dress rehearsal with the opening performance for the 2015 season on Friday. It's fun to look back at the past year and where we have been and what we have done, but it's more exciting to imagine what lies ahead and where our plans will take us, where God's plans will really take us and where home will be each and every day. We press on, like so many before us, committed to Him for whatever and wherever and whenever and however He calls us. God Is Good.

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Saturday, April 25, 2015

April 25, 2015. Eureka Springs, AR. H and H and H

Hugh and I worked together for almost a year at The Great Passion Play and Source of Light, to the point where people couldn't keep the right name with the right person. We were constantly being called by the other's name, skills confused and credit for work done allotted to the wrong person. We laughed at some of the mix-ups and had a lot of fun with the confusion. Pastor Darrell at the church we all attended here in ES greeted me as Hugh last Sunday, so the legacy continues.
When we came back to ES, we left Hugh and LaVon in Madison. Some people there were upset that the piano player was leaving, but the piano player stayed and some even were sad that Hugh and Karen were leaving, when in reality Hal and Karen were leaving and Hugh and LaVon and Earl (their cat) were staying. Earl was even confused and has been confused about the loss of a second home to visit, and where his aunt and uncle have gone. Needless to say, we upset the apple cart.
To make matters worse, I now am working with Pop who was here in Eureka Springs last year and stayed the whole winter to maintain buildings and equipment. I enjoy working with Pop, but his real name is Harold, and while people call me Hal, my given name is also Harold. Only a few people call Pop Harold and virtually no one calls me Harold, but can you imagine the confusion if we both decide to have everyone call us Harold and then Hugh decides to show up again and we all work together as we did often last summer at TGPP. Pop and I work well together, as did Hugh and I. What it really boils down to is that we are working for The Lord, with the abilities He has given us and no matter how confusing it may be to those we work with, God knows our names, keeps us focused on the bigger picture and wants us to praise His Name by the work we do and the call He has placed on each of us. Thank you brother Hugh, thank you brother Harold, and Thank You Lord.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22, 2015. Eureka Springs, AR. If a tree falls in the forest...........

I've been sitting here for half an hour, in almost total quiet, thinking about what to write, and Karen walked in the door with a one sentence topic, so here it is: within a week of our leaving Madison an eight-foot branch fell where our motor home had been parked for five of the past six months. While we were there we had a piece of a branch about an inch in diameter and seven inches in length imbed itself into our roof. I needed a pair of vise-grips to extract the small branch from our roof and the repair required the hole to be filled and the surface sealed. Can you imagine what an eight-foot tree branch would have done to our roof? Hugh and LaVon were hit by a six-footer and had damage to their coach in that same storm. I guess God wanted us out of that place and where we are now with no tree branches over us.
I still don't have much to write. There are a number of things here in Eureka Springs and the Passion Play which are going to test our resolve and our faith in the mission we have been called to and the journey we are are. But for now, we are committed to the call and as we pray for the ministry and people who are part of it, we again ask you to do the same. We know that God protected us from the Madison storm and He will protect all of us in the days to come through the storms, sunshine, trials and successes of our walk with Him. We press on in confidence and joy. Thank You, Lord.

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19, 2015. Eureka Springs, AR. Let Go and Let God

I saw the list of projects to be completed before the opening of the 2015 Passion Play season in twelve days. The list is long, the bodies are few and old, and the equipment and funds available are minimal.. But we serve an awesome God and we will do as much as we can, pray, and ask everyone we communicate with to pray and leave the outcome to God. He has it all figured out and will provide as He always does. After all, it's His story, His ministry and His purpose we are called to be obedient to. The impossible is what God does the best with.
Yesterday, I climbed a ten story fire tower in Eureka Springs, sounded the shofar four times and with one other believer, prayed over the city while a slight rain fell on us. As Jesus lamented over Jerusalem, I felt God crying over the situation not only in Eureka Springs, but in our whole nation and around the world as well. But we did what He called us to do, asked His favor on our efforts on His behalf, and "let go and let God" be in control, knowing that all is going to be just as He wants it. He will provide the people, the resources and the equipment to accomplish His Mission here and everywhere else. God is Good and He is still on the throne. Thank You, Lord. We rest in Your promises and Your grace.
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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Home again in Arkansas

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April 16, 2015. Eureka Springs, AR. Home

If you read our last blog, you know we left our home in Madison, GA. We spent some time in "wherever" in our road home and then after a night in Millington, TN and waiting for the rain to lighten up, we headed to Eureka Springs and The Great Passion Play arriving at 5pm yesterday. It was our home for over six months last summer and it feels like home again, already. Today was a full day of work for Karen and me. The Play opens May 1, and there is a lot to do and not a lot of people to do it. But God has a plan and we'll trust Him for the details, the strength, resources and all we need to be ready on the first "play day".
It's good to see so many familiar faces, but sad to hear about those who will not be coming back for the season. We also have heard about some who are new to TGPP and will be here later, with God calling them to ES with a definite message that this is where they are needed for this time and this ministry. God is building His team, and even on our first day back, we feel His presence and His desire to see this ministry revived and restored.
Pray for this ministry, pray God's hand on it and the guiding of The Holy Spirit on all who will be here, in whatever capacity. Pray for souls to be impacted and lives changed and above all that God's will be done and His Kingdom advanced. It's good to be home, for we know that wherever God directs us we are at home with Him until He returns .........or calls us HOME.
Thank You, Lord.
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Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 12, 2015. Where Are We?

When we woke up this morning and checked the weather for the next few days, we decided it might be better to pack up in the early morning fog of Madison, Georgia today instead of the rain of Madison, Georgia on Monday. So, with our friends Mike and Linda who were visiting on their way to Washington, DC, we both packed up our RV's and by mid morning were headed west toward Atlanta and north toward Chattanooga, TN.
By mid-afternoon we had crossed the Tennessee line, took a few turns to find our campground for the night and were back in Georgia, less than a mile from the Tennessee line we had just crossed. Our phone locators say we are in Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, the restaurant where we had dinner, about a mile away is in East Ridge, Tennessee, the RV park receipt says Rossville, Georgia and with all of this we are on the outskirts of Chattanooga. It's no different than being in the suburbs of a major city with all the various bedroom communities and suburbs, but this is not a major metropolitan area. We'll be here (wherever we are) a few days, depending on weather and travel conditions, and hopefully in a day or two we'll have a better idea of what city and state we are in and why we all decided to call this home for the time being.
For now, we are "on vacation", in a place we have never been; on our way to a place we feel called by God to return to, after leaving a place we felt God wanted us to be, to participate in a ministry reaching people all over the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Wherever we are, wherever we have been and where we are going, we feel God's call on our life and are blessed to be serving Him and His Kingdom. Praise God for bringing us safely all these miles of our journey.
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Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 9, 2015. Madison, GA. T minus 4

We are in the final stretch of our stay in Georgia and the planned return to Eureka Springs, Arkansas and The Great Passion Play, travel to begin next Monday. It's hard to believe that we have been here since November, six months ago. The time has flown by and we have made new friends, been exposed to a different ministry experience and hope to be able to return, God willing, later in the year. The plans for our "medical mission trip" to Colorado/Wyoming in May are falling into place and we have all the doctors' appointments scheduled in a nine day period with our great-niece's graduation smack-dab in the middle. God is so Good.
The next few days are busy with invites for dinner, Colorado friends Mike and Linda, now on the road ministering to police, military, emergency service people and firemen, coming to visit for a few days, my final work in the print shop tomorrow, Karen's final day in the Discipleship School, and whatever else arises over the weekend. We are looking forward to TGPP, but not anxious to leave Madison. Mixed emotions, for sure. We do know that God has a plan, and if we are attuned to Him and trusting His control of each situation we couldn't be in better hands. And it's in His hands that we rest. Thank You, Lord.

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Monday, April 6, 2015

April 6, 2015. Madison, GA. Too complicated

In my senior year of high school I took calculus. I have no idea why I took the course; I never understood what calculus was used for and after just looking on Google for an explanation of what calculus is, I still have no idea about its use, and I marvel at the fact that I passed the course and graduated from high school. Over the years I have encountered many concepts, theories, ideas and technical details which go well beyond my ability to comprehend or put into practical use. I know a lot of big words, can complete most crossword puzzles, but when it comes to mechanical, hydraulic, nuclear, medical, theoretical or any other technical stuff, I come up way short and am baffled by how or why any of it works.
There are too many choices, too many variations, too many slight distinctions and too many opinions for me to handle on a regular basis and I tend to question why there is a need for so many things when ONE will do just fine. The shelves and racks of our stores and the on-line alternatives boggle my mind and I wonder how any of them survive such competition. There are so many churches, so many bible translations, so many devotionals and so many opinions on the same verse or concept, it's a wonder that we have any areas of agreement and unity. I know that one of the reasons I never pursued a legal career after completing my legal education was that truth was a fleeting concept and two lawyers had three or more different opinions of the same set of facts and when they said they agreed, they got into an argument about it. It was just too complicated and too confrontational.
Even now, the weather forecast calls for rain later in the day, the radar shows no clouds in the area and it's raining anyway and messing up any chance of mowing some areas which are beginning to look like a tropical rain forest. I stayed up too late, got up too early and I think my circadian rhythm, whatever that is, is out of whack. I think I'll post this to the website.........and take a nap. See you in a few days.

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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Thursday, April 2, 2015

April 2, 2015. Madison, GA. Helper

The past two days, Brian (kemo sabe) and I (tonto) have teamed up, again, to work on the white house (not THE White House) which needed it's west-facing attic enclosed. It's been a while since we have teamed up on a major project, and I must admit it was a good partnership, at least from my standpoint, mostly on the ground. Most of his work was planning, measuring, cutting and "knee-pad-required" kind of work. I was the helper, the nail-taker-outer and the minor-cutting-required person, toter and ladder readjuster and "is-it-aligned" guy. We finished the job at 3:45, and were gathering tools when the lightening flashed and two seconds later the thunder sounded and we scattered in different directions. By 4:00 we had nearly a quarter-inch of rain, and within a few minutes of that the sun was out, and our work day (except for my doing the laundry) was over. It looks like we will have a gorgeous evening.
I like being a helper, since most of the maintenance or technical jobs require special knowledge or training, and the helper just does what he's told and learns things while watching someone else do it. In the process the helper gains some experience and may be able to do the same job alone later on. The other day I went to fill a hole using the small tractor, hauled four loads of dirt, only to find out I had filled the wrong hole. I needed a helper to help do what I had done wrong. Live and learn.
Tomorrow is Good Friday and we will have a half day of prayer, and then take the afternoon off. It will give us all an opportunity to reflect again on the significance of the events of Passion Week, worship and praise our Lord and Savior, the Great Helper for all who have accepted
what He did for us long ago and continues to do for us as we serve Him. Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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