Miles -what it means


Hand of GOD
"Hand of GOD"                                                                                                                                                  

Friday, December 29, 2017

December 29, 2017. Colmesneil, TX. The Years fly By

In a few more days it will be 2018. The years zip by and we pile up a lot of memories, if we're fortunate enough to remember them. Karen and I have been a lot of places around the United States and we do generally recall a lot of the experiences, but have trouble putting them in the right order or recall the dates we went where we went. Karen has been reading the archive of obituaries from the Morgan County, Utah newspaper website and a lot of the names are very familiar and bring back memories of friends, classmates and family acquaintances from her dozen, or so years in small town Utah.
I occasionally Google names from my past and try to find out where people are and what they are up to, or if they have passed away. It's inevitable that someday, others will be doing the same "research" on us. Hopefully, the memories for them will be as interesting as the ones we recall when we read about our friends from the past. But the key to it all, is to leave a legacy which makes people smile, think of us in a kindly way and hopefully have lived a life which blessed others and did a minimum of harm or damage. All of us have done things we may not be proud of, or which leave a bitter taste for our friends and family, and for us.
We can't undo the past, but we can commit to making our today and each tomorrow one which rights the wrongs, uplifts others and encourages those around us to strive for the best they are capable of. We're never too old to not be able to break a bad habit, do good and avoid doing or saying something which causes our legacy to be less than we would want it to be. Life goes on, the years fly by so quickly, but we do have the capacity to make them memorable for us and those around us. Thank You, Lord, for the journey You have arranged for us, and for journeying with us every step of the way.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

December 26, 2017. Colmesneil, TX. Prayer

Prayer is very personal, yet it has many ways it is manifested in our lives. There are prayer lists in some church bulletins, prayer chains where people pray for those in their immediate group, blogs with the blogger's personal requests for us to pray for his or her friends and ministry needs, prayer before meals, prayers for travel mercies or protection from severe weather. We pray for those facing surgery or those diagnosed with cancer, for the medical personnel treating our friends and family, and we pray for needs, necessities and dreams of a host of people who touch our life. We pray for our leaders, the world situation, our pets or for those we want to come into a closer relationship with Jesus and for peace and joy in lives which lack it, We pray for those who have lost loved ones or are sad about some event in their life.
Prayer is very personal, but it takes many forms, serious and sometimes not so serious. In every prayer is a request or an expressed hope or plea for a positive outcome. Sometimes we pray out loud, other times in a whisper or even just as a thought. We pray in groups, or alone. We pray to get a point across to a prayer partner, or we lecture God with our opinion or suggested way for Him to answer our request. Prayer takes an infinite number of forms.
But there are some essentials about prayer which should be part of every prayer. Our prayer should be made in faith that God will hear it and respond. Our prayer should thank God for whatever response He gives, and should be in line with God's will and not just be a demand for Him to give us the answer WE want. And most of all, prayer should be sincere, not for selfish motives or for personal glory or fame, always thanking and praising God for Who He Is.
I pray this blog is more than just a bunch of words, more than random thoughts or my ramblings on a rainy day. Thank you for reading this far, and Thank You, Lord, for everything.

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Saturday, December 23, 2017

December 23, 2017. Colmesneil, TX. Looking Back

The Internet has expanded our ability to look back in time and learn more about the events and places and people of our life. It's eye-opening to be able, in a matter of seconds, to see pictures, read articles or even hear the actual event taking place and bringing to mind our personal connection with that place, time or person. "I can remember it, like it was yesterday" is a not uncommon remark, as we recall the experience.
It's fun to look back, but often it leads to thoughts of "what if", " if I had done this instead of that", "wrong place at the wrong time", or a host of other qualifiers. What happened happened and it is only speculation as to what might have happened if we did something different, and the resulting path which might have been, stretches infinitely into infinity with no resolution other than mere speculation. What's done is done, and we bear the scars, legacy or consequences to this day, never to be redone or changed or erased from our "permanent record".
There was a reason for everything which happened to us, everything which happens to us now and what will happen to us for the rest of our life. It's out of our hands, as much as we think we are in control, and our hope is that we are rightly related to The One Who is in control and by that relationship we can be comforted with our past, our present and our future. Thank You, Lord, for letting me walk with You the past 18 years, knowing now that you knew me and were walking with me well before I acknowledged You as The Author and Perfecter of my faith and the true Guardian of my first 72 years. I look forward to what lies ahead, here and now, and beyond. I hope You're enjoying the ride as much as I am. On we go.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December 20, 2017. Colmesneil, TX. In The World, Not Of The World

As Christians, we are to be in, but not of, the world. Easier said than done, so how are we to accomplish it? With all the temptations thrown at us each day, how are we expected to resist the bigger house, fancy car, lavish vacations, cruises, better job with more benefits, luxury restaurants, trendy clothes, opulent casinos and resorts, or a host of other lures, advertised specials and once in a lifetime opportunities?
The answer is to "just say no" to every one of them and say "yes to Jesus". I repeat.....easier said than done......but it can be done, and still be the recipient of "life, and life more abundant". We have multiple choice to make every day and what we decide will determine out worldly status as "in" or "of". I don't advocate becoming a monk or joining a convent, although for some, that may be a possible choice. I do advocate being selective in our choices so that even if we do make an of the world choice, we see the ministry opportunities afforded us by such a choice. We can always be a source of salt and light in the new job, upscale neighborhood, European vacation or our seating section at the football stadium. Remember Who is the source of our blessings and in a humble and gracious fashion, give Him the credit and glory for the abundance we have.
The other option is to be content with what we have, love God, love others and accept the good, bad, sunshine, showers, health and misfortunes as gifts from God to be humbly and graciously accepted and shared, giving Him credit and glory for everything we have. The choice is ours, His promises and hope for the future are real, and in all things, God is Good, and worthy of our trust and faith and praise. We weren't promised a rose garden when we "signed on", just the flowers, the thorns and the need for some effort to help the garden grow. For some, a gardener was part of the "package".......for others the gardener is us. Put God first, honor Jesus as our Lord and Savior, be Spirit-led in all we do in the world.......and always give thanks.

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Sunday, December 17, 2017

December 17, 2017. Colmesneil, TX. What's Happening?

Out here in the country, there is little contact with the outside world. The cell phone and Internet are our only real way to know what is happening "on the outside". There is no television reception, the mailbox is out on CR3255, there is no telegraph station in town and the Pony Express never came this far south even when it did exist. The town does have a Family Dollar, an old-fashioned hardware store and a few other businesses, but we are really quite isolated. The church we attend is 12 miles to the west and the Walmart is 12 miles to the south,
We check the national news on our smartphone every once in a while to find out what's going on in the world, but for the most part it feels like living off the grid but still having electricity, water and a sewer system. I think I heard a plane fly over, a long way off, a while back, but there hasn't been even one police siren, car horn or other alarm or alert of any kind since we arrived here a month ago. I think we will be getting our mail forwarded from Colorado tomorrow. We'll see if it gets into the mailbox down on CR3255 or else we will have to drive into town to the post office, which has limited hours of operation.
We like it here. We like the living arrangement of our motor home and the protection from the elements provided by the covering over us. We like the slower pace and the rest we are getting. Loren and Diane have a large dvd collection, so we watch movies almost every night and then get more sleep than we have in years. It is a definite change of pace for us, but a welcome one, and a needed one. So while we do know what's happening with friends and family by means of texts and very good cell phone reception, we are letting most of the "things" of the world pass us by for the moment. We're pretty sure if something significant happens out there, we here won't be among the first to know about it. But, if you think we need to know.......just call.

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

December 14, 2017. Colmesneil, TX. More Than A Marathon

How many times have you heard the expression about life not being a sprint, but a marathon? When I ran sprints in grade school and high school, I was content to go full speed for 100 or 220 yards and ignore the pacing advice. When I was relegated to the 440 because of an injury, I had to think more about not going "out too fast" so I had "something left" for the final few yards. And then I got into long distance running where a Marathon was a marathon and pacing was not only necessary, but essential.
And now, the expression can be modified to life being not a marathon, but an ultra-marathon or more accurately, an eternal marathon. Four years ago tomorrow, Karen and I left Colorado for what we thought would be a three-month sprint, which has now become an almost-four year marathon, with the finish line.........somewhere still before us. We never know when the "race" will end, when we will hear a "last call" or that anticipated "well done", but we press on, endure, persevere and keep the faith until it's over. Yogi Berra or Casey Stengel or some other sage philosopher said "it ain't over 'til it's over" and there is a heap of truth to that.
It's hard to know the correct pace when we can't see the finish line, but by God's grace He gives us the strength and stamina and rest we need to keep going, maintain our enthusiasm and know that He has it all figured out, and under control. Thank You. Thank You, Lord.

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Monday, December 11, 2017

December 11, 2017. Colmesneil, TX. Who Do You Believe?

Trip Advisor is a good way to find out the positives and negatives about every place in the known world. Everyone has an opinion about everything, and some people are willing to put their opinion in writing for all to see. The problem is: who do you believe, the five-star guy or the zero-star-I-hate-everything curmudgeon?
Karen likes to check out Trip Advisor for restaurants and we usually believe the good reviews and give the better-reviewed places a try. We also like to read reviews of places we have been, to see where we stand on the zero-to-five scale. Today Karen read the past two years' reviews on The Great Passion Play where we have spent the past four seasons and plan to return in March for a fifth. It's interesting to read what people have said about TGPP and it's various venues. Some we take to heart since they touch our heart while others we just discount as the ravings of someone who has nothing good to say about anything which costs more than they thought it should. Some of the criticisms we do think are valid and need to be addressed by TGPP leadership for the improve,EMT of our "product".
But mostly the reviews reminded us of how much we enjoy being part of the Passion Play, are thrilled when we have touched people in a positive way and feel our efforts are worthwhile and making a difference in lives and advancing God's Kingdom. We look forward to being back in Arkansas in a few months. Our days are now much less hectic, less focused on the public relations aspects of entertaining, teaching, ministering and witnessing for Christ, but we are still serving God and serving others as we regain strength, stamina and enthusiasm for the road ahead.
Believe me..........even as we "hide" in the woods of East Texas, God is working on us, preparing us for whatever He has for us in the future. If God had a Trip Advisor page, we would rate Him 5-Stars with the same rating for Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Seeing how much They have done in our life and the lives of those around can anyone not believe?

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Friday, December 8, 2017

December 8, 2017. Texas Snow

December 8, 2017. Colmesneil, TX. Oh No.........Snow

As we left Loren and Diane's last night to make the short trip back to our RV, the question was: is it raining yet? My answer:'s snowing!, At 38 degrees it was spitting enough to cover our windshield and the hood and roof of the car. This morning there was a misting of the trees which gave a peaceful, serene look to the woods. As we drove from Colmesneil to Beaumont this morning, the roads were dry, the grass had a thin layer of snow and the trees were beautifully frosted.
The general topic of the day was the unusual appearance of snow in East Texas, a rarity and a treat. One gentleman told of collecting a plastic bag full, putting in the freezer to be able to show his grandchildren the "blizzard of Beaumont". A fire station even had a snowman on their front lawn, needing most of the fallen snow on the lawn to complete the task.
We are expecting cold weather for the next few nights, but there is little chance for more snow and what fell is totally gone except for that fire station snowman. It's quite a treat when it snows in Texas before most of the real snow-belt areas of the north and east have even had their first exposure to the white stuff. Happy Winter Texas......even if it is still two weeks to the official start of the season.

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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 5, 2017. Colmesneil, TX. I Feel Like Samson

I'm not claiming to be one of the Old Testament Judges, or a super strongman or the star of next season's Sight and Sound Theater production in Branson. I am thinking of the strength and stamina I lost when Karen cut my hair after the final Passion Play performance on October 29th.
With shorter hair and a goatee instead of a full beard, I have become a mere shell of my former Type-A personality. We finished our Colorado tasks, came to East Texas and have lapsed into a two-speed life-style,,,,,,slow and stop. Karen has broken the cycle today by doing some high-powered RV cleaning and reorganizing, while I have spent the past two days watching the rain, doing some very minor wogging, sewing my "crosses", reading a few chapters of a book on apologetics, and dozing more than staying awake. I know I have added a few pounds to my now-72 year old body, but eventually they will fade away in the hills of Arkansas.
We felt we needed to rest a while, and I am determined to do it as conscientiously and completely as possible, until the "cloud moves" and we head to our next "assignment". Right now, blogging is the assignment, but I think I've said enough........I'm sure you get my drift?

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Saturday, December 2, 2017

December 2, 2017. Colmesneil, TX. City Boy

I grew up in Poughkeepsie and Schenectady, NY, attended college in New York City and Law School in Washington, D.C. Karen and I have lived in the Denver suburbs, Tulsa, OK and Fort Collins, CO. By anyone's definition, I am a "City Boy". I have never had a pet, done no more than grow tomatoes and zucchini, never hunted, have fished less than a dozen times with limited or no success and have ridden a horse maybe four times. What I have experienced the past four years in Arkansas, Georgia and now East Texas has been a rude awakening to country life and our living full-time in a motor home has been eye-opening, as well, to "roughing it".
With Loren and Diane we have seen a whole different style of life, we have learned a lot over our time on the road, and I have to admit, it is tough to even visit a small sized city without wanting to be back in the country. Today we went to Beaumont, a city of about 130,000 and it was good to stop on the way back to Colmesneil to pick up five dozen eggs off the farm and visit with a momma pig, and four baby pigs who were just as eager to visit with us as we were to visit with them. With our exposure to the animals at the Passion Play, there's a lot to be said for being in the country and away from the noise, congestion and busyness of any city of any size.
God has truly opened my eyes to a whole different life, a different appreciation for the hard working farmers, ranchers, small town ethics, knowing your neighbor and helping each other through the difficulties of life, the floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, power outages, work injuries and other hardships of country life. Karen grew up in rural Colorado and Utah, but adapted to city life for almost forty years of our marriage and is now returning to her "roots" as I come to appreciate them more than by occasional visits to the hometowns of her early years.
One day we will probably "retire" from our current retirement life. More than likely it will be to a rural environment or small town with my dream of some acreage and a donkey. If it be God's will, so it will be. If not, Lord, please don't send us to a big city, and Lord.......especially not to Atlanta.

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