We are called to be good stewards of what God has blessed us with. Some people are more abundantly blessed than others, but we are all blessed. How we handle what has been given to us is called stewardship and good stewardship means making wise choices and giving or sharing with others, so that those less blessed will be more blessed by our actions.
All this sounds confusing, but it really isn't. What makes this more confusing is the way we are approached and how we are asked to give or share our blessings, resources, time, talents or gifts with others. The "year-end" push by so many groups to solicit funds, raise money to meet past or future projects, meet "matching gift" offers, or just piggyback on the giving theme of Christmas; all these and many other appeals to us are one of the negatives, for me, of the time of year we have just been thru.
I am very sensitive when someone asks me for help, when someone comes to me with a problem or when there is an emergency which needs attention NOW. For nearly ten years, I was involved in church benevolence ministry, community outreach ministry and people who had financial needs which they could not handle. I have also been involved as a food bank volunteer, community homelessness issues, hospital volunteerism, Habitat for Humanity, veteran benefits ministry and financial support of organizations and individuals who have needs I feel I can help address.
But in all of this there is still the question I face constantly of who I say yes to, who I say no to, and who I have to say enough is enough to. I don't have unlimited funds and yet, I want to be a good steward of what I have and know that what I give is been handled wisely. I pray for wisdom in making correct decisions and I pray that those on the asking side, whoever it may be, will do so in a truthful manner which expresses the need clearly, presents it in a sensitive manner, without a guilt-laden imperative and knows when to back off from further solicitations.
Lord, inspire us all to communicate effectively, to speak the truth in love and to help and encourage each other as You would want us to. I hope this posting has done that.
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We've been through hard times in the past few years and gratefully accepted any work offered, any position, and was thankful for the help. Thank you for what you do. It may not be clearly evident, but, your contribution is noted! One reason we started Upper Room was so we could give what might help someone we encountered, without having to go through some committee or allowing that committee to give our contributions to their selected charities.