Miles -what it means


Hand of GOD
"Hand of GOD"                                                                                                                                                  

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

July 31, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. Talk To The Animals

With the Petting Zoo in operation and our Play animals from the barn, it has been an active year for the four-legged and flying creatures. We also have untold numbers of cats, dogs, armadillos, ground hogs, fish, deer with little ones, turtles, snakes and all types of birds and of course the critters. There is no lack in our PP animal population.
Unfortunately, we have had a lot of issues with the animals, including a 30 year old horse (Lady) who died, a camel (Little Bit) who needed a hernia operation, both camels with intestinal problems, an armadillo and kitten run over, a horse (Star) with asthma, a raccoon who found its way into our neighbor's motor home, a newborn lamb who died, a number of white pigeons who were killed by an animal intruder, and Dick's dog (EttaFay) who died two weeks ago at age 14. The heat has also impacted the animals, and flies have been a greater nuisance than ever for our horses and donkeys.
What has been nice to see, is the number of young people who are helping care for the animals, bring them to and from the Holy Land, handle the feeding, cleaning and clean-up chores. It's been a boost for our more experienced people to pass along their knowledge to those who will keep this place operating and expanding in years to come. The performance schedule becomes lighter in August, but there are still plenty of things to do to complete this season and start thinking of projects for next year and beyond. I'm sure we will be adding to our animal population. Our guests really enjoy getting close to them and it has been fun having them as fellow cast members of TGPP. We all have a part to play, including our animal friends............all God's creatures.

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

July 28, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. The News

I like to watch the National News a few times a week to keep up on the outside world and whether or not it is still in existence. But, there are times when the News is too much for me to handle: The floods and fires, the political wrangling, the latest big name to be charged with sexual misconduct from 20 years ago, the latest auto recall, food-borne sickness, the rising cost of drugs and the law suits against drugs which kill, maim and destroy, the horrific school, church and business shootings, the most recent criticism of our leaders by overpaid athletes and Hollywood celebrities.........and the list goes on and on.
I wonder how the newscasters can read these stories night after night, but then I realize that for the money they are paid, they can probably endure reading just about anything. The "finally...feel good story" at the end of the broadcast must be what makes all the rest of the news palatable. I doubt it!! And so, I decided yesterday to swear off the National News for a while and as it happened, today I had to work in our Passion Play Holy Land later than usual and returned to the motor home just before 6pm........and the news was already over. God's timing was perfect, and no temptation whatsoever to even turn on the television for that "final...feel good".

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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July 25, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. New Arrivals

I was busy working on some repairs today to our golf carts, when Joe called to ask if I could welcome some new animals to our petting zoo. We have quite a menagerie already with sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, a llama, rabbit, white pigeons, miniature horses, gold fish, Samson the Great Pyrenees, and a wild turkey.
We now have four more ducks (drakes), four baby ducks, a mud turtle, a bunch of small chickens including a young rooster and a lot of sniffing, strutting and curiosity about our new arrivals. The ducks were put in the fish pond with the large gold fish and took to their new surroundings by putting on quite a display of swimming, diving, flapping and chattering. I think they like their new home. It made me wish I could have jumped in and frolicked with them and had some relief from another hot day. The young ducks were put inside where it was much cooler and after having some newspaper spread out in their cage and getting some water to drink, looked ready for a nap or early bedtime. The mud turtle will need a good scrubbing and we're not sure where and with whom It will be housed.
The zoo has been a good addition and gives people a place to wander while waiting for the next Holy Land Tour to begin. I have always enjoyed the animals here at the Passion Play and have learned a lot about how to handle, feed and care for them. One day when we "retire" from the road and get a small place in the country, I'd like to get a donkey. Not sure if that is part of God's plan, but the story in Numbers 22 is always interesting to read and study.
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Sunday, July 22, 2018

July 22, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. Half Way

On Tuesday we will reach the half way point of the 2018 Passion Play season. We will have done 41 performances with 41 still before us. Since July 15, 1968 when the Play first began, more than 7.8 million people have attended the more than 4500 performances. It's hard to imagine how more than 3000 people could be in attendance each night, five nights per week for six months; every three years there would be another million added to those who had seen the Play. Some of our cast members remember those days and say it was thrilling to hear the crowd reactions as the Play was presented.
It would be nice to return to those "numbers", but with the times being what they are, the challenges for the entertainment dollar, the spiritual battles being waged in our country and around the world, it will take Divine intervention to see those "glory days" again. But, that's the ministry work we labor at; Divine intervention in a Divine plan for an eternal result. It's not easy to do what is done here, and has been done for 50 years, but we continue to tell the Story, pray it impacts someone and that a life is changed by what they see and hear here.
And, we must remember, that at each performance there are those who have never been here before, have never witnessed the Passion Play, toured The Holy Land or seen the Christ of The Ozarks Statue. For them it is "Opening Night" and we have the duty to make it an experience they will remember in a positive, and perhaps live-changing, way. When we think we can ease up or coast for a while, we have to know that we can't. Half Way...........Yes when we look at the calendar, but definitely No when we look at the effort and energy we are called to exert. Even if the seats were empty or the crowd tiny in numbers...........God is watching and that Audience Of One is why we do this and Who we are seeking to please. No such thing as Half Way when it comes to serving Him.

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

July 19, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. Harder Than It Looks

Until we've actually tried something, we may not realize how difficult it is. Some things look very easy to do, but when we try it ourselves we see how hard it really is. And then to realize that some people make a living at a certain job which we can't even do one time, makes us understand that those people are gifted beyond measure.
But what about those things we do with ease, which other people feel are impossible for anyone to do. We are all gifted in something, and are blessed when we discover that talent and use it to either make a living or just have a way to enjoy our free time. God created each of us in a unique manner. There's no one exactly like us and we are given abilities and talents which no one else has. They may aspire to be like us, and we may aspire to be like them, but we "is what we is" and there is no one like us. We may try to be like someone else, but it is usually harder than it looks. Be a dreamer, but always come back to reality and don't think it is better to be in their shoes rather than our own. Being comfortable in our own skin, seeking to improve our abilities, not going beyond our limits, or we may find that the price we have to pay is beyond what we can afford to spend. When we covet what another has or want more status or wealth, we may find that there are costs we have to pay which are beyond our capabilities. Be content, be realistic about our ability to endure the extra pressure or responsibility of that dream and let God direct us where He feels we are best able to "perform", always seeking to please Him, honor Him and be thankful for all He has done for us. When we see that it's harder than it looks, it may be the right time to stay with the current path and not step out on that "expert slope". But be ready when God says ITS TIME to step out in faith..........and then trust Him when we do.

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Monday, July 16, 2018

July 16, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. The March of Time

In life, things happen and we are surprised because we never would have dreamed that such a thing would ever happen, and never would have thought it would happen to ME. The list is endless of such happenings happening to us and yet it is far more common than we think. All of us can relate countless incidents where we would never have seen ourself as the object of such an incident.
Every time Karen and I go to the VA for me to receive medical care, it is always in my mind how I would never have imagined, in my wildest dreams, how I would be receiving virtually all of my medical care over the past 9 years from VA Medical facilities in Colorado, Wyoming and Arkansas; that most of our income would be from disability payments from the VA for exposure to Agent Orange while in Vietnam; that my military service of less than two years would have such a profound impact on our life now.
I was drafted into the Army in October, 1968 and sent to Fort Dix, NJ in November for Basic Training, not knowing what was ahead of me. I remember training there and later at Fort Sill, OK with a bunch of other young men, fit and strong, not knowing where we might be sent and what we might be called upon to do. And then, for some, off to Vietnam and experiences which would impact us all in ways we could never have imagined. Now, I look back with very mixed emotions about that time, look at the men now being served at the VA for a host of injuries, illnesses, emotional and physical ailments and I see bodies crippled and broken, minds altered and influenced by what we saw, what we did and what we have had to endure for the last half century. I see other vets from other times and conflicts and what the years have done to them. It's hard to remember those fit and strong young men and what the years have done to us.
I'm so grateful for the treatment I have received from the VA. I'm sad when I see others who have been disappointed with their treatment, and I'm saddened by the reality that many vets and their families didn't even know they were entitled to treatment or compensation of any kind, and therefore, received none. I wish there was a way now to right all the wrongs of the past, to give care and compensation to all who are entitled to it. But, I pray that in the final tally, all the wrongs will be righted, that God will reward everyone for what they did and that the sufferings of this life will find an eternal peace and rest in His presence. Time will heal the hurts and it is God whose timing we rely on for that healing, now and forever. Thank You, Lord.
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Friday, July 13, 2018

July 13, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. Don't Be Discouraged

Sometimes things just don't go as we have planned them to go. Sometimes things pop up that make us change the plans we had in place for a long time. Sometimes we are asked to do things we have no experience doing, but the only other people around have less experience than we do. And sometimes, life throws us a curve ball when we are expecting a fast ball right down the middle. Don't be discouraged.
Sometimes we have to step in when others are absent, sick, or just unable to perform and we have to not only step in, but step up. Sometimes we have the opinion that we are not really needed and would be better off if we just turned in our "resignation" letter and went somewhere else to serve. Don't be discouraged.
The list is endless of things which go wrong, things which keep breaking, fixes which don't stay fixed, people who disappoint us, hot weather which keep getting hotter, rain so much needed which caused the roof to leak, attendance which seems to get less rather than larger, criticism when we really gave our best effort, and people who seem to find the negative in any situation and harp on it ad nauseam. Don' be discouraged.
We were never promised a problem free journey through life. We were never promised wealth, power, prestige or notoriety unless we happened to be born into a family which already possessed these attributes; and even then, there are no guarantees. Don't be discouraged, just press on and stay in the race. Life has a way of rewarding those who stay the course, stay optimistic and stay determined to overcome the obstacles.
Yes, we all face difficulties, problems, sadness and disappointment, but we need to keep our head up, see the positive in every situation, and by all means....DON'T BE DISCOURAGED.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

July 10, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. The Results Are In

My DNA test came back with no real surprises. I am NOT a Vanderbilt. I am 96% Western and Central European Jewish, 2% East European and less than 1% Middle Eastern and less than 1% North African. I also found out that the closest relatives who have been curious about their family history are second, third, fourth and fifth cousins and of them I recognized only one name. I guess my first cousins weren't too interested in finding out anything about their background. I'm no closer to knowing what Tribe I belong to, but pretty sure it's not the Iroquois.
One day we will all know all we are intended to know. God will answer every question, tell us everything we are in doubt about and give us all we need to live with Him in eternity. For now, we wait for Karen's DNA results to arrive. I'm sure her "Pie Chart" will be more exciting than mine. Based on what we know of her mom's family and the little we know of her father's family, she has a lot more chance of being a Vanderbilt than my 0% result. We wait with bated breath.

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Saturday, July 7, 2018

July 7, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. A Different Audience

The Passion Play is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. Nearly 8 million people have seen the play which depicts the last week in the life of Jesus Christ. Some people come here year after year, some come with children or grandchildren, having themselves been brought here by their parents of grandparents. Churches come with senior groups, youth groups or even come as a week-long mission trip or camp-like adventure. Some people are here for the first time.
But this year year, we have a different demographic coming to the Passion Play property and most are not coming to see the Play, Holy Land, the three museums or even The Christ of The Ozarks Statue. The new guests are mountain bike riders who are coming to ride the newly constructed trail system on our nearly 700 acre grounds. There are currently about five miles of world-class rolling contour mountain bike trails completed with some 15 miles still to be completed over the next few years. The trails are open to riders of all skill levels, are free to use and do not require any sign in or contact with any of the Passion Play employees or other guests. There is plenty of parking, easy access to the trail system and riders can use the trails even when other PP activities are in progress. I've ridden part of the trail, hiked the remainder and am impressed with the quality of the project. Some of the people who built the trails live on the property and a few are employed by the PP to assist with some of our youth mission activities. The whole project which is funded by an outside group has been a good addition to the PP ministry and "up the trail" it may even generate interest in The Play and be a missionary outreach to expose more people to Jesus and the Gospel message.
You never know where the seeds we scatter may land and on what type of soil they may fall. God can use anything for Good. We just need to be willing to scatter the seed.......The Holy Spirit will do the rest.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

July 4, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. Happy Birthday, America

It feels like any other day, but it is the official Birthday of the United States of America; 242 years old. There are many issues which tend to divide us, as well as those which bring us together. We still have political, economic, financial, racial, religious and a host of other topics which generate different opinions among our citizenry and wanna-be citizenry and there are many issues on which we agree more than disagree. But that is the beauty of our country, the right we have to express our opinion, discuss issues on which we disagree and hopefully resolve our issues in a way that people benefit from the decision.
We do have factions which want to stifle other factions and when that happens we can get into trouble. Some issues are "deal breakers" while others may be classified as "pet peeves" and we do have to pick our battles or we can get into a "my way or the highway" mentality which leads to angry voices and radical activities where people can get hurt or killed. But when we look at other countries, we see situations far worse than ours. We see extreme national poverty, dictatorships and police-states far worse than what people think we have in America. As bad as it may seem here, I don't see Americans lining up at the borders of other countries to seek asylum, political amnesty, or escape the "American way". We may move out of the big cities to a more rural or country or small town environment, but we are not evacuees, boat people or running away from what is by far the best country in the world.
How we handle all those who want to come here to study, to work or to live, is not an easy matter to resolve, but resolve it we must or we invite all manner of problems, burdens on our resources and financial strains on a system which is already stretched to the limit. With it all.......Happy Birthday, America and may God who is the ultimate provider, sustainer and protector continue to Bless America. Thank You, Lord for the Freedom we have in America and In You.

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Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 1, 2018. Eureka Springs, AR. The Week In Review

I remember a news program, but none of the details of it, entitled "The Week In Review", so here is a brief recap of our past week. As I blogged, this week marked the 19th anniversary of
my becoming a Jesus follower. On Wednesday we went to The VA and I was treated for a nasty sinus infection, which has improved significantly. As always happens at the VA, we get to meet and talk with a number of vets about their post-military health issues and the treatment they have received from the VA. In almost every case, the VA has more than taken good care of them, considering some of the things they have endured because of service-related injuries and illnesses which resulted from their service. The Agent Orange issue has been a tragic situation for many of the vets and their families. I applaud the wives who have stood by their husbands as their man's body has been altered by the Agent Orange exposure.
I was able to nap a few times and feel less worn out after another hot and humid four-day performance week. I had to fill in for Dick as the morning Tabernacle presenter, because of a tumble he took at home on Tuesday which kept him away for the end of the week. A hose on our refrigerator ice-maker burst causing a little water leakage inside. We will need a repair, but are not without water for our other needs. We set a Holy Land attendance high of 336 for the year, including a 103 year old woman who was a delight and made our busy day a lot more enjoyable and enlightening. Church today was very emotional with its tribute to America, honoring of veterans, Mark's heart-rending message about our being active and committed doers of the Great Commission.
It's been a good week. I reflected on a number of times in my life, on events which impacted me deeply at the time and are once again impacting me and how I view the path before us. How are we are going to continue serving The Lord? Where are we going to spend our winter months this year? Is there something new on the horizon? Are we listening enough to know God's plan for us? We had a drizzle of rain today, but it hardly made any difference to the drought-like situation we have had the past two months. July has been the most trying summer month here and we have already had a July-like May and June. What can we anticipate?
More questions than answers, but we press on. God has it all figured out.
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